Dwaline for Inse.rtions ..laaae oTem 9P.I o ITA=Ksa me %tnft3 fiP. IL. for <GUMWC UNE".WIggone: Wunêott MO 30, Wlnfletka 2000 (Winnetka SU a ater s P. IL. , nlear 433 or afl hrake 13108-1M 47 M4USicAL INsTUUCTU@M PIANO INSTRUCTION INYOURHOMUE Learn to play understandlngly. Fundamentals. Leschetizky Method, MISS LAURA ANDERSON PhoQn*L Wfllmette 4090 after 3 :30 P. 31. 47LTN24-4tp 40NCIREATION SCHOOLU AFTIER SCHOOL CLUBS 8winming. dancig, boxlng, horsebacki rlding. outdoor play, trips of interest. 57 SI REAL ESTATE LOANS FE'-DERZAL LOANS ON NORI Borrow up to W. ont mionthly repayl 15 years. Deal wil] Pull detala FIRST1 SAVINGS & Loi OP WI Mr. Clifton, Secreta nue. Wilmot te 162 )ME LOANS 1SHORE HOMES. of value. Couvoni- iet plan overb.to a local Istitution. !~!"7at IEXPEURIENCED WHKTE GIRL WISH- Iles to do day work, bouse cleanlng, Ilservlng, and carlng foi childrén. Wlni- netka 3692. 94L85-ltp, EkPERIENCED MAI», COLORED. Il North Shore refs. 1P'rat clams wages. jUniversity 5711. 94LTN5-ltp eUs aUATIoN WANTKEU A&x - 101 yrs. tere. Shore Ref., EXPERIENCED CO0LO0,R ED MAN would lîke work. Houseman, butler, gardener, caua drivé. Good referénces. CaUI Davis 259L. 95LT2É-ltp Phon 9TLTNq1ette wanted for hous cleaning and Saturday of this week. Good reference.. WilImotte 4214 97LTNSS-ltp' EFXPERIEN CBD GIRL FOR general housework. 2 adult eRfèrenea. Call before 12 oratIter 5:30, Glencoe 1390. 97L8-!i WHITE GIRL'FOR GUE RAL houseWork in north Evanston. a adulte and baby. Small bouse Ropîn and board, $7 to start. No lauury. Uni- versity 4878. 97LTNSS-ltp Wanted a nea.t comijetent girl for hou»ework several anornings.,a week. 35 cents per hour. Wilînette 3955. 97LTN25-1tpi MAI13, Stay. No For Wllmette 466. mai. 59LTN25-ltp Soln FOR SALE 746 ELM ST. Telnor Sa-,xolphone and Case PHONI)Àç WINNEtKk! 826. 0 WANTED - wi ai ref. nuxme- RIC BT THE DAY. élu' We bI gener AUIm Pauline'; 71 71.tY' -H'il