4 DeMPater ut. Uni. $mi , qre. 7177 151.TN4-tfc FURNITURE SPRAYING Also wicker furniture & refrigeratorS.> We use lacquer-dries hard and fast. Wlhetk 215.15LTN25-4tp WANTED: TO CIVEMONTHLY service on sets of books. Ail state- mnts and taxes. Reasonable rates. B1ackington Wilmette 847' 15LTN25-3tp îPCCIAIè DISOOUNT 149W Our 130 1*4 W ~afmr the. snuer? It probly, noeds repafrs -claning - mi made réady for the. coxning wir... storm idows -furnace cleaned- so manY th'ng This page liste ail sortes-Of Home Services. Use it to hI YOU koep the. houseingood condition. IPainting ând Decorating WOOD IU-44 OU. PT., yd. in 3 or 563rd. ir"- yde -$14. DROP IEAD SINGER, $15. (WRIITE) MÎr",aWashington E1ectriec conole. $29.50. Clean, OU ani adjuat,$1.60. Free catiate, pick up i 'nd delivery. North, Shore, Sewing Machine Exchange. 1114 Davis St. uni. 6525 73LTN28-4tp AUTJIORIZZED SINGER. SERVICE W. pick Up and deliver. No service charge. Exceptonal values. Cabinet type sewing machines. ilopr samples. Very reaisonable. Wlnn6tka 1688. 73L26-tp $1 EXPERT ADJ1WI!NG. ALL juakes. .Foot and oIec. Alirepqrln ---leanlng--overbaullng. Work guaran- teed at Mllleîn Hardware. Wllmette 3000.* 78LTN22-4tp 3 LOB? AND FOUND 804.Mm 9 P4im -me Inax 1 E. DURKQOP Cori, Painting and Decorating Nurser GLENCOR 25LTN24-4tp Blc DONT FAIL 2f33 LAK E ANE ANN anoe SWork irgery' Cocke PEDIGI 3 85 Rosewo OUR COC are ýe at e ý lý(