amlpayea, and stoFIV> LUR&à u eatbller-craft cass on*TUesdàY. leVening in Charge of> aun xperienced leather- craft instructor and such articles as poclet books,'bill folds, baund bags, key containers, moccasins, and many other novelties in leather that will make ver inexpenisive Christmas gifts. Monday âight is gaine night wben many novelty gaines can be played by boys and girls of teen age. The adult card club on Wednesday night is1 a new feiature. Bridge, five hun- dred, or any ether card gaine May. be playe-d. Thei room will be reserved*for adits only and m arried people are cor- dially invited. Priday evening will be special progr,1am. nigbt and an attrac- tive prograin will bc arranged for each Friday evening. The. prograin will in- This party is to be the final event: ofs the Vattinan Park activities for thét year 1937 so be sure to corne. The park tivities will continue at the WViimette will close Friday, 'October. 29, and mc- Community. Center, Wilmette and Ridge avenues. BADMINTON Badminton started off with a bang at the Howard gym last Monday night. There are three courts available for play and the.playgrou!ld and recreation board bas provided the finest facilities for playing this popular gaine. Rac- quets are available for players who do flot own ont and several shuttlecocks (or birds) are given each player. There li. til roaif urf -bevmnniiers and experi- I and inakes ciste naer cooies, uat brown so beautifully even.. Where butter ii heated as 'ni cooking, kt meets its most rigid test of flavor. Use lihe ne ' Certified Butter that meets the U. S. Standard for 92% score (or better) and you'll flot be taking any chances on "off" flavor ini cookies, cakes, or bot breads. If you don't think it miakes. a difference, tçy it and prove it y9urself. VISIT IN NEW YORK NIr. and Mrs. john W. Powers, 307 Curnberland avenue, Kenilworth, lef t Tuesday to spend two weeks in ew York. They will visit -Mrs. Harold DARWIN TLIPS a# U r e t s H . I g M 1 W L alo 5~RDPl i. ..... le hellotrope........ >Ink ad gren .. eBMaders. RosY-ffe-d pie black .......... Jug. LiRSc-ros . .. i saletb. B ink .t.. .. 1 Rsbo si. heliotrope âvelvety, black ..2 ig. ppre whÎte...... COT' will be Sunday. The C daily txcg Y3 to 0 for activi anda sr tap danci ter for ai TULIPS 10w ........ t mauve e .....fl yelow .. e-yeiIow.--S, torange .... t - - -- . , ...... ..... 1- ............ 4. PUT UP GRAND FIGHT BULBS