ents, and toiriends of the scnooi. NeUv Of RuSsia The violinist was boru in Russia where he first -played in, publiic at the age of six. Brought to America while stili a child,. his early education was in New York City. In Europe he. studied with Remy and Kreisler, and later was among the students Who' benefited by Leopold Auer's res- idence in New York. Becoming an American. citizen, Dushkin divided his time between' New York and Paris. His debut as a mnature artist took place in Europe,ý and he was first heard in America in 194with the New York Symphony orchestra, conducted by Walter Dam- rosch., Repeated tours followed ini wbic h le.visited England, Germnany. oi5 theilt igV i.ias, ana mÂViss joanI Williams of the, Orriihgton hotel, sec- retary-treasurer of thepledge group. Plans, for 'th!e.annuaî Homiecomiùg dinner on' Friday, November. 5, are, being conplettd under the direction. of Miss Helen Johnson, honiecoming chairman. PLAN WORLD CRUISE Morton McClenntan of Cleveland is visiting Dick Torrey of 1341 Elm- wood avenue. The boys are planning their three-and-one-balf months' trip around the world on which they, will sail from San Francisco November 20. They, are le-aving Wilmette for the, coast Novemnber 10. BEGINNE'S LUcC flevlsmant oif Pete Smiths first, Herb ert Hoover of California. Troop 6, made, up of eightbh graders, met at the home of ýMrs. Roàss Moyer 'TuesclaY, October 19;« for a jeily niaking project. Eiouigb jelly was made so that each girl could take home a glass. In addition. three large jars were made for the Thanksgiving baskets. During the "jelling" process a business meeting was held when it was decided that "club officers" rather thaii "patrol leaders" were to be elected. Those eetdwere Betty jean Moulding, president; Nancy Lars on, vice presi- dent; Mary Lamb, secretary..anàfd treasurer; Edde Henderson, program chairman. At the luncheon session, Mrs. Walter Cavanaugh, reported on the 'inter- national encampment bel-d at Camip Andree this past summ er where Girl Scouts fÏrm 26 countries cme with carefully chosen American Girl Scouts. During the afternoon the repre- sentatives met in several study groups. "Girl Scouting in, the School" was led by Mrs. Cavanaugli; "Girl Scouting in the Cbiurch," by Mrs. Frederick Edey; "*Girl Scouting in- the Home", by Miss Janet Webb; «Girl Scouting and Other1 Social Group-work Agencies", by Miss 'Sally Stickney. mnember of the Regional stail; "Projects for Older Girls», by Mrs. Arthur Wakely; "Girl Scouting and a Central Conmnnity", by Mrs. *KatiLee jthwron, Riônova1l 'Di ,s Voice. and TOURNE Y PREPA RAtTIONS WiI Save Ic 'Bay one of these NEWV bouses TODA Y! 1 .