Durant Photo Arthur C. P. Gedge, manaper of the Cusocek Reaty Comp>any$ Wim- iletka office, announces the addition ta his sales, staff o1William F. 1 Ir Mc-12itblin bas been ac tively The john p. Norltnor refldeuce at 4 ProMmet avenue, Wlnnetka, to IL W. Rjughe.; ira. iFuller, broker. 1437 Scott. Wlnnetka, to George P. Brace. Thle Ernest P. Bartlett residence, 851 Ridge avenue, Winnetka., to Walter 0. Wilson. -1051 Cherry street, Wlnnetka, to <erald E. Tenney. The Ames Roma resldenoe, 3 lrttany road, Highland Park, to John V. Ryan, Jr. 395 Ridge avenue, Wlnnetka, to Wal- lace B. Carroll. 629 Willow road, Winuetka, to L. L. Bradley. Dr. Robert and Bessie Gay have re-ý ftewed. their leane of thé Helen'Xohleaa Wells reoldence, 20 Green Bay rond,2 Glencoe. 2325 Lake avenue; WllMette, -té ton, driving south on Green Bay road, stopped for the traffic sign at* Lake avenue, when his car was struck on tbe left side by that of Albert Anderson, 1121 Greenleaf ave- nue, going west on Lake avenue. The Hutcheson car was overturned. Clarence Kallin, riding with Ander- son, received lacerations of the nose and chin. He was taken to Evans- ton hospital for treatment, and'then returned to the police -station here, where he was held on a charge of "htoxication. Both Hutcherson and Anderson ,were held on charge of reckless deiving. TbaYs Mmmd "Mr. 1'McL avenue, Wflmnette, to Op tetl street, Wilmette,1 mis. 1 avenue. Wilmette, to V wilînetteu- Dean Klarr, prominent W, aggressive real estate ope the north shore, has been sales manager of the Brothers' offices Iocated at2 Bay road and Central strec This in addition to properties sold 1930. He is a member of Signma Chii fraternity. Mitchell* Brothers, who have par- iciDated actively in the -growth of fu *r 0Uy&W * .for beauty The logical investment se protect yol4r property and safegwsrd your children. A design for every purpose. People $30 e andS- vo Oblige"i Boyajiail & (o 1, î (-, P fl J', 0 ýý it RUGS CWaned - Repaired saccoccul SI roi , 1p Wnd" m of N(ý1 4ýI -ýhý i, i (ý-milI, ý,,i ý,ù Y 12j ; !!yu, A % 4% 1 1-1 MAIN "l t'Ill t".(