SM agtc of tahe rouer's yvvh nci; illustrated, and an exhibif of Spode china, wjiI be the programn.I Hostesses, are Mrs. IEwing,: Mrs.1 Joseph Kerr, MÉrs. Richard J. Finn, Mrs. Martin Maloney, Mrs. Daniel B. Hayden, and Mrs. Gerald Sweeney. A4 vocalii' amidsimienSt itthe, amisc uchool of Northwestern u9li- versity is Miriam., Milii, who tuill bc preseaaied onathe f'rogram of01the' Womman'.ç g1fiId o the Wilrnette, Parisis Methodisi church oà, No- 7'enbr 4. e meinbers of, mien Voters, at flub October 20, eliieve the world was "Anerca- munissandaFr suprcfliacy of stai war. Shie sces ai id for 1 by a aire for war. Choarmon of Priix.. At W.....s Club as shown Harper's li . JO