H-allowe'e2 party at the vvom- an's Club of Wilmette, is the question people this last week have been asking members -of the committee of which. Mr., Iloward S. Davidson is chair- man. 1or no matter how amusing a Hl". lowe'en dancing party is, tme dance for dancers falis fiat without a good leader to oelilout the special dances and enter into the funa and gayety of the affair. So the committec as pleas- ed to announce that Il. C. 'Toeppen,' ont of Wihmette's bést dancers, whose wife is on the board of directors of the club, lias consented to "cali"' the dances Saturday niglit. Thus every-, one is assured, of clever variations *11I UÇ ~ Theatrical Studio Ypn,,or r~ances Pespma amd4 'Gk ran. 4Jo~w4 corne to Wilnette Saturdoy aflernoon, November 6, u<ëen the Jack and IAU Fia yers present <'Toby T34er7 te norIA' shore clildren ait tse Wilnette Wornan's club, ai 2 o'clock. Chu4,k, a prorninent young Chicago radio actor, uill be seen in the tille role. Seven-year-old Mary Frances, "/a ix mof othe youitgest radio actresses in Chicago, ie cast as lilla t/se barebaek rider. SIsè aPp ears in local msovies anad in many Jack and Jlii lay~s in addition ta /ser radio zevork. Miss Marie Agnes Foley is directing thse players zvhô are >.resentcd under auspices of t/se ways.andmne<rns commrittee of t/se Woinan's Club of Wilrnlette. Wegener, .of.,JEvanston, ."Miss North, Slôré" will parade the fashions of the hour before sev- eral hundred, women at the .Shawnee,,Country'club, riday November 5. Complete ,ward- robes of ail- age groups will be shown. Tht Style show, In coanbination with a dessert luncheon and afternoon of bridge, is sponsored by the wives of the officers and governors of the club, and promises to be one of the most elaborate functions of the fali: season; beautiful mnodeis,e wearing. beautiful, clothes, and many- lovely prizes, including table prizes. Mucli interest is being shown. witb nxany members oruanizînor their w <I ýward vavidson, and the Mm. Davidson's commit- rooins wdli bt gay with black decorations and Club of iImette first and third1 month at the hon G. Dalton, 1029 chairmian, it was meceting of the club last Friday minutes are devot T-at wa si this one n it was th, avenue, cere, at the tion Catholic were ýeir exi on e . lion tht President to Enlertoir, sin- Senior C. A. R. Members ta5 Sunday afternoon, Octoher 31, at '- 5:30 o'clock, the senior group of XVil- lu' liam, Dawes chapter of Chilren of 1150 1 WILMiETT-B LIFE l i~ I