ern university alumni and their wives r a% attend the thîird annual Purpie bal The monthly meeting of the group at. the Drake .hotel o ýn November, 19, will. be belti Wednesday, November Mrs.Jame S. itheeli Evns-3, at 10 o'clock in the morning at tbe co-home of Mrs. Wilford C. amn ton, co-chairman of the generalcon 729 Maclean avenue, Kenilwortb. The mittee of thé affair, announces that assisting hostesses will be' Mrs. Anson Weeks' orchestra and a spec- Eugene Murphy, Mrs. Edward Ben.- tacular floor show,ôf four big acts eké, andi Mrs. Brower Munroe. The members will sew on gar- will heati the entertainImeflt. mnents. for t he girls at the orphanage. The bail will be heid the evenmng Pajamas for the chiltiren bave re- preceding the Northwestern-Notre cently -beetn sent up to the institution Dame gaine and is expecteti to be i. by- the Frientis, and this week they, 2the nature of :a pep rally for tha.t. are planning to supply a quantity of important coôntest. Hallowe'en favors for the chiltiren. Tickets wilI include the entertaîn- Seeral new members will be wel- ment and a midnight supper. comed 'into the organization at the Mrs. Withereli and Paul S. Cum- monthly meeting. They are Mrs. R. 0., mins' also of Evanston, héad the Brenner, Mrs. Frank Kreissl,' Mrs. 1Harold patrons, ton, andi Following the luncheon an inter- esting, moving pict ure, and talk on mexico wilI be given by Don Robert- son. The ftoilowiing2-omiùnttee will assist Mrs. Koch at the luncheon; Mirs. M. W. Welch and Mrs. A. P. Bradley of Evanston; Mrs. E. Jewell Diclc of Winnetka. and- Mrs. Ralph Stoetzel and irs. Richard Welch of Glencoe." HOI 151Tickets 'Mahvolm lBalfour Photo I.ris. JRobert loiies of ilmtrtcis tissis!'iiul Ille reasitrer forre c Cick- tait *prlthec'nct'w ebers of tire Kenilworith cenler of te Int Ilfi-cr Society of Chica go arc giving ai the Cormaine. Saturday, V.,Ciiiler 6, a fler 1the Nor-thioest- Mrs. Durant Studio and Handici A4 memiber of the ticket commit- The show tee for the oî:îul Purpie îtall givei» 27 at the W l'y, !forlhzvcstern iunwiersily a0111011i. and dinner is Mrs. Mlclviii Veeder of Wiîî- until 7:30. 1-1 -.1 1, -1 madie. 1bc held on Noveniber an's Club of Evanston, 1) bcserveti froni 5:30 servations are to be WJLMÈTTE LIPE d, Evaiistoji Fvanistoin Mrs. Tho Mrs. b H. - vV