TO BE SUBJECT, ATCIICMEET Wilmette Croup Invites New Trier ICitizens to Join Die- cussion On the assumpt ion that the same probletu of decadent properties with Nwhicrh the citizensbip of. Wilmette is . aced is also a major problem n other New Trier villages, the Wil-ý mette Civic league. is:exktending a cordial invitation. to the: authorities fCotrnty Treasurer's Liens, Talks With Parents New Feature On page 29 of this issue appears the sixth of a series of articles directed to parents of children eni- rolled in Nw Trier Township High school. These articles have been prepared by the Mdutation committée of the. Board of Edu- cation of New Trier Righ school and are of intense intereat and distinct value to parents. The Iseries has continued for several 3,000,0Wini Motropoitas PrcprtyMay Be Lost te OWners; Redompebon Rat«s Hugli The sale of tax certificates on New Trier township.real estate delinquet on 1935 taxes, ms now ini progrest in. the office of Countjy Treasurer Horace_ G. Lindheimer. It i. s tated that eastern capital to the aniount of $50,000000 has been allotted to the Chicageo area foôr the 1 ill cnttt It is emphasized johnston, president o the league is not liberalizing of the z unor is if seeking fic by Harry 1B. the league, that advocating the bing_ prdinance, tete First National Bank building ! * The ineeting is st'hedusled for 7:30 oudack, and tril bc followed by a buffet sufpper. Ail business and pro- fessional peo pe of ther village are I corne. k On : ,s are C5winesel Thbe irst1 of the row O'Cloc] of Fi% 1. el.