the -short intermnission, annouinced in response to. inquiries, that, those who had net secured tickets for, the series n iit. appl the admission, price of the first reading on a series icet. Any ticket of the series niav be used by anyÔnc presenting it- the tickets arc interchangeable. At 10 oclock next Monday:morti- ing,' Mrs. Faxoni will 'live with lier audiencïe-for that is what lier 'read- ings :are-the life of the senisitive. young Korean, Younigbîll Kang. who tries, to adjust himself toeIfe in America anidbecome a good"Yankee. The conimittee feels ,that bier read- ing of this atitobiography *ith its intiniate charac'ter> study of the young Korean will be one of lier best reviews. The book or pjiay-for it piay _bc eitter-to be read >iTovè'en6r 'ý, v.41 be arnounced on M~onday. J. D. Toloif Photo lMiss Mlaria., Cook, 1017 Green- h'lfaf vC» uc, ei.t assisling Uwit tht/e fashioni dis pla3 for thte anuat c/tari- tj' beridqewand fashion review sIpon- .ored bi* tte.luior auliar3y of the ýl 'ollitlns Club of 1J'Viliiette, thte af t- érnloton of Siiturday, Nor'ember 13, cit the teIViauljis club. Thte eveuat is for c/tarit y. Juniors WilI Coloct Sitange Objects Soon A four leaf clover, a chicken feath7 er, a mustache cup, a red lantern, Ini this year of graoe and flattering styles., let us. recommend the CHUBBY& JACKET . .. to give you that air of casual smnart - ness and yet so warm and comfy... just the thing to snuggle into. The exquisite taste. of our exclusive styling- and the intimate cure- of every deuail, in workmanship make UHLEMANN Furs "The Preferré~d." 7 W. Madison St., Cor. TIiisfingoetp lengh 0Sku Oiubhy" iis latest thzill i.a fur cou. Priced accordmg to length-from SM5. q1ANN 31&U State Entire <lUi Floor Cen. 4179 ior the progranr Miss Portia M. an excitinig el weird objects, t Contrary toc icet at tihe cdu wvhen the Iiuni hiring their tri ithe juniors %N e at 7-:30 o'clo 1start and m