Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Oct 1937, p. 42

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Elmwood avenue, Wilmette, will open her home, for the Novem.- ber meeting and tea of the Wil- ,mette Garden club Friday after-. noon, November 5, at 2 o'clock. The assistant hostesses ivili be Mrs. N. P. ColweII and Mrs. T. E~. McElroy. M rs. Charles Van Deursen, presi- dent of the club, lias called a board, meeting for 1 :30 o'clock. -Corne Into the Gardien'. is the intriguing, invitation-intriguing be- ýcause of the. season, this being the,. tîrne when. most of, the gardens, are being "put to hed" for, the winter- expressed in the titie of bis, talkby. G. Russell Steininger who will be the speaker of the afternoon. Th-nouanch mn. M rsW.A imeets betweeni 4, the. clippings the. best niuc Mri. John B. Boddie of Wilmneue, wchose taIk "Radio, the FiJth Es- lte,» has m'on poipuarity,' will give it at the ,;oon: hour zchen the Wo:nan's Club of Wiltfit olds .Vorenber 3. lected ut in Feb- e h Woman's Club Program Mrs Presanls Varied Interest Voters. Ms'Laura Hughes Lundc, educational cliairmian and onie of the Illinois. league's most outstatidiingi speaker,,, will talk on *"Vhat'-, the, Matter Witbi Education in llni? Mrs. L-unde bas beeiî choseu as delegate to national state meetings of everv departrnent ini the league and is part icularly well inforned on all ts ranhesand lier rlatonsto governinent. Her special intercst is- along educational lines. Shie knows exactly whiat is going on in Illinois right nowv, the leagues explains, and wiIl reveal miany items of astounlldilng intercst which dircctly or iiidircc.tlv affect every columunity in the s-tate. Mrs. Harry Olîi, presidient of the Kenilworth league, wiIl introduce Mrs. Lunde at the meeting wbichi is' to, be hield ini the Kenjlworth Asscin- MNrs. F. R. ICilner is serving as hiostess for the afternoon. At tbc folloiig nmeeting of the Neiglibors Novemiber 10. Rev. 'Robert Hall, chaplain of the Indiana state prison, will talk on "'Experiences .of a Chaplain.- This prograni is in place of that of "The Secing Ele.- sclhed- iled for that date and dî e1- cause of the inability of llerlberi Gecisier to be present.. CIontinuing a series of proini- lient guest speakers,, the Ep- i'ortii league of 'the Uilrnette P--,ari sh Methodi st Epi scopal chuIrch wil hear'Fraiik SrnIiiti,, tunday écvening, at thie regullar. meeting tohbchIl d'in the clitrch b)egining at 6 o'clock. Mr.1Snmitb,: nationally knlown for bis lecture Nork,, is the son oi Dr. Roy Smithb, pastor of the Fir-st M.\eth- odist Episcopal Churcbi of San Frant- cisco. Well-versed, in >thle cu stomns 6f the Orient, Mr. Smith lias just re- cently returned* from the Far East and will lecture on "Oriental Condi- tionis Today," ac.oinpatnyinig. is lec- ture witb colored movies of bis travels through China. Meeting withi the Epworthle ague will b~e Theta, Upsilon, Rli, %loug, peoples' -organizat ion spon sorcd by the Wilmette churcbi, for college and post-college youth. Botb groups were guests, last Sunday, of the Evanston Metbodist church and following a suipper, heard Kirby Page, proinient author and speaker. On November .7, the E-pivorth league menibers will present a pro- gram on wbicb only talent f roi with- in the organization will appear. tiements and h os- cit uiree ciïc ralks at ive flowers, fruits, all-day meeting., She "w te guild during tbe current events at 10:45 o tbe first week in Wright who is always1 aton will tak-e the audiences, bias just retui 1.Anyone in the year abroad. Isend somne litt le Th ubsonmrb liii il r,.M inissionary trom- Morocco,* Atrîca, on October 10, and Mr. john stonc., an excbange teacher at New Trier'bigh sclhool froni Ayr, Scotland, who gave bis account. of bis first impressions of Amierica. Notes. 42 WILMETTE,LIPE toa the gt ye wilo care

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