e - s. i Mtofftt Photo In charge of the refreshmesat com- mit/ce for a large- c/arîty bridpe tea an*d fash ion revitu', t Mu fioise Brou'» oof Wilmette., The, bene fit for wvhich she is-working 'is l/se an» uaàl proieci of .the Junior auxiliary. of the Wontan's Club of *Wilmcette, whic/s, this seasàn, takes place Satiirday afternoon, Nove,»-, ber 13, aitht/e Womiiai' club at 2 o'clock. man, wîiI cail the meeting at 2 o'clock. A review of the most inter- esting features of the issues 'since May of the national D. A. R. m:Waga- zines will be gien by Mrs. Wilfred A.: Nabors.ý Mrs. William A. Duirgin. w *11ask nmtmbeis to volunteer for wvork at the immigration bureau the week of November 22, through 27, wben' the Chapter is in,- charge of the 'distribution of tnanualç. Celebrales Birthday A combined Hallowe'en and b irth- day party will be given by Mr, and Mrs. Frank Dowd, 1405 Maple ave- n ue, in celebration of Frank, Jr.'s thirteenth birthday. Frank will have Bradley Knits Fur coat, weatker is here, andi soi the new collection of Bradley, Knits.. just in lime to-addt cheer t'o your.witer wardrobe! The soit, flattering lines of Bradley Kniî.. f rocks are perfect to wear under yourfu coats. The warm, rich colonr of these new knits will biighten the dullest wini'ry days. Theres a Bradley Knit for e'uery occasion: a style for every figure. . . in thse moJels displayeZ in ourý new collection. World Traveler Is on ,Woman' s GuI Progrom HaIIowe'en Party Mrs.U. S Gr t, ormrly f 'Bob Penberthy, si Mrs.U. rt, frmery ofMrs. L. E. J'enberthy Evanston, and a world traveler of n .:n rllc t- aI 704 Ciurcih Street .students in the ±'orthwestern uni- vcrsity music school. Mrs. Norton A. Booz, scwing chairman, announces sewing at 10 o'clock, to be followed by luncheon served by the Third division. of wbiélh Mrs. Robert Maeser is chair-, f Faaio~Portraits B vmnston p À