A ssorted II.U.wu'.w Mulia WATS4)N HCE CREAN (@. MR Linds. Awn Ai n mWkmu.iI RIDING Jeael Food Stores wil oPen ils 1071/a store Friday, of, t/is week aI 2Pait. The locatiou of the iicw store is 908 ListdeuaaeuHbadWos Jewtel tokes t/tis alinoun»cegMcnit uit/ a sPecial prid-a pride borts of the knowledge tisalin »t/is lO7th store iz reflected the steadily inc.reasitig Patron- age of hundreds of thousaiids of PeoNe piej the. Ch icago area. Cites Agrement of Sta tes About Waterfowl Hunting Acting Director of Conservation for Illinois, Thomas J. Lynch of Glen- coc, this week advised department inspectors of an agreement with the states of 'Missouri and Iowa f or en- I -In rapid succession Jewel FoodS lias reach1led the lfl7Ïh milestoneé threefold prograni of service, eco and quality.- rends an alinounce -As in the past, this new store wi ceive tbe sincere and entliusiastiq dorsement of ail those who shop1 Like its 106 sister establishments,î A ycar.round spor tatW' 6ue i sumer aud wiàtert.grand in spring sud marvelous in autumu; suddie placée to .g« yout, riding aparel i. that "s*pecialized"store wh ich ha. every- thing for riding ... very reasouablY priced. BAlLE :dY y IU open Tuusdayx Tho nday dSaftrdayEve.#ifiga son opened Octo- ber 9 and contin- ues üntil Novern- ber 7, while the Illinois and Mis.- souri open seasofls are froni NOVem- ber 1 to 30, inclu- sive. Tr. J. Lynch a hundreci1 DORS A GOLF COURSB CATURIN ONOLY TO LADMS AND OBNTLB- MEN APPBAL TO YOUP nes over.: I. MRU