audience in the flstory of - Northwest- ern university, as more than' five tbousanid people arer expected to at- tend. Prolifiç.,Writer QOften referred to as the rnost pro- lific writer of bis time, Wells began bis career of authorsbip in 1895 with Uncle.' WVah the publication of bis nxhost recent work, "Brytnbild," this faîl, Wells now claimis seventy-six volumes' to his credit. Four motion pictures based on bis wdirks have been produced. An ardent 'celiever in the future of ~aviation, Wells will make ail bis -tr ips betweetn points on the con- tinenit by air. Besides Chicago, lie eHOMERS ICE CREAM 1U7 ph- \-ýCeesta Vox "&Heavenly Chimes,solemily- softly - clearly breathing ita sweot sounda upon a sleeping' world. Each Subday and Holiday these chimes lift their voices in a imid-afternoon prayer, Memo- rial Park invites you-from 3:30 to 4:30 P. M. Plark I .Devlin troiics 'viii sta featture acts hi sororities. 1T (For 9 »ays O.dy) tat Il.tbclock and sec.veral fraternities a hiomccoming dance ig. is aniother featuire