REZONI« IF NECBSSARY là, aneditorialon this page last* week wasl dis" cussed. the problem which faces tbe owners ol outinoded iresidential properties, and mfoderiliza tion was suggcsted as the way out. Wbeu themE homes have passed the point where they* are at- tractive to home seekers they bhave passed, tht point of profitable salabilîty. Following the above suggestioan tbere arises tht question of what la to be doue with depreciatei properties lying- close to commercal cefters Many of these.-Would not be attrac tive for resi dential purposes even if the grouud were vacani The home builder of today has no desire to estab. lish himself ýwithin a stone's throw of stores -offices, and other centers of suppli. 1He desirei moat 'of ail to locate where he has the benefit o .p.a, air, and othtv. p ntpral blessings. That leave the close-in 4ecadent properties w~inft *the lii lie situation is not pecu w Trier villages, but api ,its individual problei to any one of th( to aIl. Eacb mia but on. the broau Lat is wby we direci lie Wilmette Civii . The eaue doei religions may ' i.t their own - AN INNOÔVAtION e 'Tbe series of articles appearing ini this news- miagazine. prepared lw the Education cômmttee of the Boardof Education of New Trier High, scbool, ýig an innovation thiat should result in un- mcasu red* bene fit. to parents. pupils and faculty dlalike. In these articles the comimittee tatks in a becart- to-beart manner witb parents. directing tbcm how best tbey may cooperate with advisers and deans in ,order tha t their eh ildren may get the utmonst Sfroin the classet they attet, and from the school )f as a whole. The value of these articles lies in the confidence Sthey.wi11 screaet he pa,p of parents that the ' faculty and the Board of Education h , ve but one thought, and that is the educational welfare of O the students entered in the scbool, to se tbem ie get the most out of the courses of study~. and to LC graduate witb bonor to thepiselves and the in- td stitution. This getting together througb the mediumn of the printed page may Iead to still dloser contacts and a better understanding between ic teachers, pupils and parents. ligliL. * Theý littI 1e oîd state of RhodeW Island, whose principal dcaim to distinction is based upon the. fact. that it declared its independence. of the mother couitry and thumbed its nose at King George ili some nionths before concerted.action was taken by, ail of the colonies, seems to be' sadly in need of another declaration of independ-. ence. It bias a governor, Robert E. Quinn, built on the Huey Long model, who bias assumed the, role of an absolute dictator over the government, and people. A couple of years ago hée "fired" the state's Supreme court and appointed men of bis -own choosing to the benéb. He bas now, in p rotest of some Qther court decisions, taken possession,, witb tbe aid of the state miliia,1 of. a famous race track in wbich a political foe is interested. One wonders how long the original R,4,de Isianders- would have stood for such usurpation of power. -T'he lrislh Free State bias sentenced a girl to jail for a montb for kissing lier boy friend in publie. Are our lrish .friends slipping back into those dark davs wlben a womiaîî bad no rigbts? "Is baving a war a disease or just a syniptom of human nature? If îîot a disease, vhy prescribe a ' quaraiitine ?'-X-Judge." and to the villages tbemselves. Tbe Civicleague extends a cordial invitationl to officiaIs and citizens of villages other than Wil- mette to be présent at tomorroWs meeting and, Iend whatever aid tbey may in finding a solution to their own problems as well as those of their neighbors. sate one, told the National :Saivr et cnIgucs n tbree ounces, or two "«jiggers," is s'fficent to turn the trick. And then he went on to explain, in the manner characteristic of professors, how he arrived at the quantity by noting the increase ini individual reaction tinie-that is, the time re- quired to bring braiti and muscles into efficient' Witbin our memory this is abouit the tbirty- eighth turne that the Chicago traction muddle bas been settled. Yes, it seems to be a fact tbat men prefer blondes. Ten of 'em, including four millionaires, married tbe sanie yelIèw bead. I