DO YOUKNOW - AU' exceptlonatlly good and dependable tcean er o r Just who to, cail for that roof that needm attention? DO: YOU KNOW- Where to flnd th# best venetian blinds for that room you are fixing iup? How' aboist new linoleum for the kitehen floor? DO: YOU KNOW ... Who to euhl to cheek your batteryr and prep are your raediator for cold weather? Sae.tusse and tr<nbl-let us bc y.ur gsid. with our freeservic. Cet the, habit, eli 156 GR~EEN BAY ROAD WINNIflKA UPIfl~W~ A I Ui& l uDUrUu M iarnîly savings are aependen upon such vaues. And, with sone. fore- bodings we recail a stock mnarket break in 1929 and these subsequïent years of econornic depressIon.ý Aveage Mm sAlwausd While Wall Street is flot blessed 'with clairvoyant powers, it is i intimate touch with what busineis bas been doing and its present state, of activity. Notwithstandingý its shortcomings as a truc economic ini- diex, Wall Street is looked upon by. gthe average Arnerican as sornething of a baronieter of business. When mnarket values are comsistently rising,. we are confident and optirnistic. When market values decline, we be- torne concerned, and apprehensive. Naturgallv as MUn Average Citiien,, U,WJIJ over fis ertiiiat Iast. -rI.i The public debt is, expectedl to soar well above $37OOOO,OOO Such 'a situation_ promnises cither. increased taication or repudiation. This outlook of uncertainty and ir - stability destroys confidence, keeps capital idie, keeps business stagnate and unernployment continue~s., The uncertainty and instability is noý doubt reflected ini the sharpfluctuations ini the stock market. Social refornas are necessary. Re- adjustrnents are necessary. But onc of the biggest contributions: that Congress eau make to social improve- ment, resulting frona business revi val. is to set itself to the task of elliniinat- ing the inequities in the tax -struc- ture and reducing the cost of govern- ethe con- precîpfitous I a hnléws. 11 As thi been a Perhaps a case on me mnar. it break, tso lo spi 1the evý ;uBgaj SINGER