set-up the child does things because hc iu directed, flot bcause he sesa goals. In a progressive situation the child does sec goals. )Moîeovcr, the children should déa! with the vital problemos of living, under the guidance and counsel of the teacher. These problemns should be crucial tô, the children themselves, and should flot be the problemns some adult be- lieves should be crucial to children. The kind of prolleni determines what is learned; in dramatics It may bc to interpret characters truthfully: inso- cial studies. it may be to predict out- cornes of crucial questions;.iii science, the problein may be to interpret phys- ical pheiwt-nena. AND A reo8tily «Txy LINGT- DOES MIS~ KEÇ KI NG- DRVNG-. -NatinalSair Couui Wall Mr. Reuter, a nationally kno6wn authority on Brahms will give the commentary lecture of. the, evening. At one tirne a papi! ôf Heinricli Barth who was c losely assocÊiated with Brahms, and tater a strident at the Royal High Scboôl of. Berlin which was mach dominated by the great masician's personality, Mr. Reuteri as donc mach ini the. past fi fteen years to'bring, into thc, reper-, toires of 'al orchestras" the ýlesser. known Brahms compositionls. Jacques. Gordon. became coniccrt,* master of the Chicago synmphoniv in- 1921 and. Mras the youingest inusician evto be aI)pointed to tatpost with a major symphiony orchestra. Darifig this samë year he o'rganiized, the Gordon String quartet. Seven .3ears ago lic res4ignied froni thiq po- sitJQionfo evoe binsieif <imtire1y t.Q Solo 1) aytig and his ensemble. Group of Solos logether these tvo musicians will play sonatas for piano and violin iroin the works of Brahnms, Richard Strauss, and Franck. Eachi wilI play a group of solos, Mr. Reuter's ini- cluding 'Etude ini forme de valse," by Saint Saens; 'SchierzolInipronip)tt." by Grieg, and "Toccata," by Debussy. Pvolls.Ofs oU ..esp Dr. Washburnës lecture on pe. ality developmeflt and persor problems was consldered partict valuable. In considering the prol of adolescence, he rtointed -out Mir. Hard, known news al parts of- gring -the rally, bas _________ in .securing this na speaker. The meet JInternaltional Relations ýto the public. Library Trustees Meet io as been a well Tfhe trustees of the Library of I- ýer correspondent in trainlRltosledtii n world, is the author tratnlRltoshl hi n Énl i nm% aw nal meeting at the Iibrary ini the