PiCTURI PBAMIN* by Wah Oiht., cilar award at t . . . au ex. -Esimatea Free »f« .@0.1770 'Neuu_ rParkag This is Poitii Noir by Cleia Huwins. on tbree sides by the slow grecen bayou, Ilies Point Noir Maison. lu ,this,.somber house, on tbe black point of' the black land. live the Sevignce--renvite. <le, taced-the strangest groun with -wich; a child-izenius ever peopled the land- scape of ber dream Plantat;om People The~ Sevignes are among the gresit old plantation families. but tbey bave Iost tottcb with life. Paul Sevigne. the father, was toud and ruthles% and gay: he had frigbtened bis -children and i' 'vife ill they seemed like sbadows,.and shadows they reMained even a fter hbjq letb;. et with the 'exception »of th- beautiful Simon. 'with bis ib"n century manners. the children had hliQ strength. a strengtb that turned inw%%ar'rl and was 4ertr-owit<ýUwan.- 1 1- Order Noto! ISIMAS CARDS f rends. înestof affunshipe ip e0»" mte broskef. Max Siégel, a, Chicaoan, wrote a lietie book about his young dongh-' ter. and called it "Portrait of Bar- bara." The sketch immediaicly cal'- tured the fasscy of the "baby loyders,." and is highly recornmeîîded for al 4hose izvho have, or havew 4d) in fants in, the farnily. The publisher is Willett, Clark & Comp~any of Chicago. h extravagal s at court. . 1 ana, Sgte mon recent authors'Wbo bave fudinspiration lu the age (the laîtter f teen hundredi) is Heinrich ;.Maun, older brotber of Ithomas Mann. His book, Yowiýq lHenry of N'avarre, bas, been translated from the German by Erie Sutton and published in this. coun- try by Alfred A. Knopf. Marries Margot Young Henry of Navarre becaie Henry - 1V, of France ini 1589. An Un,-. usually strong and courageous persori- ality. for bis day and age, lie was mar- ried. to Margot, the princess of France and. daugbter of Catherine- de Medici, and succeeded the' weakling sons of Catherine de Medici. rk sunce Hitler came to power in 3.Always interested in social prob- s, in exile be became pot itically ive ln the struggle against fascism. Ince president of the Prussian Liter- acadeny, he was made in exile a etor of the. Wi'var PàCiutniê* Enaland ricb in d iscolie. 'I v~eritable pictures tivi-ty -co .1