5a18"ls8 a ai/u atuvuu Marjorle J.iet Klorrimon, 1341 BStt ,avenue, liberal arb.; Frankla Powell Murdock, 1089 Oak street, Ilberal arts. Robert John Nickel, 140 Bertllng lane, comimerce;, WiliLm Blair Ogg, 1010 Pinle street, lîberal arts; Richard] Montgomnery Oliver, 1161 Spruoe street, liberal arts.; Raymiond Charles Osten, 413 Cherry street, libéral arts; Ifelene Maie. Therese Parker, 310ELMm atreet, liberal arts, Carl Frederlck Petera, 468 Winnetka avenue, liberal arts- Brendan Pearse Phibbs. 1026 Dinsmore road, muedical. Donald Raymond Rabu, 1180 Cherry street, coffmerce; Richard J. Roth, 447 Sunset road, liberal arts; Doris Mar- b«rie, Scheerer, 250 Poplar street, lib- eral arts,; Helen Marie Setbness, 1015 Dinaniore .road, ,libera.l -arts, Helen Mai nn Rhammrv AD* 4Zpo*n flnlibéatl F/W?, *Ncxt business trip, telephone alsead for an appoîntiment. Thon you cati Le sure the mani you want to see isthere..D.0you can avoid long lobby waits and wasted hours. lu Telephoning costs littie, en. ables you to acco*nplish niucb more cae h , ay. -Try ik next trip and se el TRILUPONE PaIVENt Dil avenue,