Interesting possibilities for ro- mal 1ice are. indicated in thcieianmes of Loy-e,, Parker, Darling and Long- necker. ý1Plentyý of tranisportation- can be îoutnd Ii iSix Grahams, tbre Fords, three Dodges, anl Olds, a,1-Iudson'and' a Packard. 'rbere are a lso a Toothaker in-the Dental sclhôiol, a Henry Wadsworth Longfellow in the 1aw school, and à James Wbîtcomüb Riley and a Robert TayIorý jin the Medical schlool. As was the.,case last ycar, the Johinsons led ail names.witb a total, of 31, with Jones aclose second with 27.* Trying haird to keep u> w itb, Ille Jns the Smhiths mun third with 25 namies, the Andersons fourth With 24. a: VMIte'tFirsl, ildren's Plays Vational College, Corryl' Do you wonder why our ihop i.s 80popular? 4 15 cofltili g the opel )W White o eRst. - 1i co- e of )ject of the series d the Seven M à THE