Ç.i.ty the. Luxsu.Ios Phv@r of Manor Nous. Coffee "The W'.rls Pioseat Particular hostesses everywhere ackmowledge the. superlor fiavor of this fine coffee. Change to Manar Ho,... and notice the. suies at the breakfast table. We recommend Manor Hotuse Cxiffee. fr' IgimJ« 31b- sa . .--WILSONI'S CERTIFIE) * 1M*AT? PfODVCT5 *- The popular hostest guest. Stuc bai a stcw shelf so-that tasty. me -2 ,,63c K «n.Ie u ~ilU.S. Ispeshi TURICYS FACYM ~L-- 3-8c.. FItSK DPESSVD FRYING CHICqL 1 tlays prepAred foruen .1 er39e I Lam h7 2901,c I3-.sn, wd La Cl.y 27 ..u..... .IS Laeu Ch Ns do 3t41baw 3 ou.'v FqFwqFqFý