SIGNALS Every organ'of tbe body bas an individual sign -or distress Signal 14 Wbich it unales known, aopy ah nornal condition, -anti .it is upor- recognfijOný-Of sucb i4sig'a doctor- makes his diagnosis. J~ais a Jswede aqured, througb years of university, post mnaduate andi every day experi- ences, andi medical adice of other s is at. best a bit or miss bIsiness-4sually miss. Let a ganie disi 1 Der 01 merce at Berian. N~w esienceLiscd uneral services. were to he beld ]Resdene eithder nWednesday or Tbursday of I Wilette' Perm t. tis week at her olti home ini Ev- - uilding Commissioncr Wiia A. ansville, Ind. She iu survi'ved by her WOl ff of Wlbnette -reports, the follow - husband by ber father, James S. ngbuilding permits issued by bi of;. Tupman, andi bY two sisters, Mns. fice duing the past weelc:91 Walter Siricle andi Mrs. Raymond October 22-H. flanse, 91eightlb Cobert. The father and the sisters street, single family residence. Archi- are also residents of Evansville. tect, E, H. Clark Builder, A- H. Viren. October 22-A. J. Ludovice, 2246andr i0 tue n La.Savenue, private garage. F. . Secretary of Commission t, iKreusch, buider.$. Mrs. Bernice T. Van der Vries, 9681 October 26-Robert L. McIntosh, 12 Pine street, Winnetka, representative i, s -Woodbine avenue, prvate garage. $600. the Ilinos state leg .isature fromn the rî geventh senatonial (Chicago Suburban) r 1tflonaS J. Matousek dtrIits ba isionor n ee t erta of Spealcs to ReatOrS cooeration.Lmiso nrtt For smie time Mr. Meyer. ;eemed to improve, but on October 6 suf- fered a cardiac collapse, after whicb, *ith the exception of temporary pers- lots of improveinent, lie contintiet to grow ealcer until the end, Monday. Mr. eyer would bave been 75 years olti November 29. Tefuneral was lbelti Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock, at Rose Ha) I chapel, co nducteti by Dr, J. W'. F.ý Davies, of Waukegan, for niany ycars associate uinister of Winnetka Con- gregational cburch and director of Community> House activities. Inter- ment wag at Roseh ill cemetery. The ,pallbearers were: H. M. Humphrey, Alfred 1D. Hern- manu,.Allen T. Weinstock, James 0. Brooks,_Edwand Thoni, Eau J.L N7in- ex- end. r or- COul- 1the