Sweef. plnnp. arme, usey dot". P&oI in brandy-^ rmal desIooy toserve et Vour mut bridge luch.. »On or dînas Party.- RealIy too delictolis té desiLe79.I.-c A delclusfeagrant blond. Nofhiot finer for breakfast or #0 top ou a Ibs. *1.00 e'35c easy *1 '~Iff.B aNC a umd p- 2. v22 U.d. Rbise Keffe Cookies Havbng aà alle»'«. pely fer th.eLlà dr.m1 The. hoes 1h.àamer .,the. sooIy proe. - Koel coo&ies or*, fi» ewiIh ider or apple- lb.- Ci SO f"re u ## a.d hoif l~ uftO -la veu moufh.A fvs.WI 1h. whole«* hmn fengro f. r "35c Large heve-Pa fefr slllu or for garnlébg 1a opi pie made wjf AL IMM&I 1 irs AUTLE WEEK uet Md Prined Low Pic& of Ftamous Wenafsle. and Yokima Valley Crops. 2 for 3s I#aed lai Pm , for a ihfofh e ps 19c Fresi Cream.ry Butter Churn.d fmeinfred.,swes*««end sd e. Ilvmod fot eIIy*-4horjuifhdfayOnr =Iweer or leu.,bvit New CO mb, Hmy A 0610.'Of hm Mann Popov"* biscuits. fmemb oub Iusueye" fdss-.Tw.e'sa sif tSin W" 25< I ~x*ra Medium Meafs -Fish A IIIi~E îar.- ~~U~q. U'Im UtU en iw*-3 d. 9 BONILISS SRISIET CORNED SURF. Washmeafiln oud TOK Y G APE . S ee an deici us cwr with sold waesr ad brinq te a blle add » maal onlees, bey ltue Oavor.- 131s.- 5 clos, oelery sesd and uimumer uill feideg-Dslicious hof or coU-. lb. ARTICHOKES. A chummy vegefa bi fol serve for lunchs. 9 H C RUDSEK o r usl.haeI ' hn or dinne-.4rg. sixe- 3fr29 I C RON STA.T yqucl hvifu t1n OCTOBER 28, 1937 33c ýa- 1-