Ethel: 1.Mannerud 4161 WilimeAve. - Wilmete 4 ha wmSTU&S o»e Pound«eh 550 ri». for bluoe, ...... 2 am» ÂPE immloM. b 3ke ifr taLr..... 32e )Bu* - rn-i PIFU .HSIUNei f la wimeie ss o .fr.b. pul Lae . Sperlor 3<9 Ufimed te order ......ý 4 EOQUUFIET. Imported remeh M» . 5 IWO STORES *O ffuIVIroui 9W ijden Av*,. Iublmud Woods Phoe.s: Wi...f4~ 210-104 staff lPhoto Als a v*lmable coultribution ta lthe tpork being doue by the lVmnetka Lions club ini interesting i aller Lion; clubs Ilirough.out thse country, and isilhe Ch icago area n >arlicular, ta saênsor stsêdents in lise Hadley-Correul'andence Scisool for the Blind,, studéàts j» lise ,nanusel trainintg. déarrnent aI, Skoleie scisool, WiVielka, have made 3»> miniafture scisool bouse boules,' (shows: abave) ,wc4ich are beii distributed by the Winnetko club toe ther Lion.s'clubs who are joi>liDt in tisssponsoring inoveincnt. 'i ORANGES * e * e Ploida, vey juicy, *1/4 »in rhl bag $1.19 h169c Lifics are in grcat demiandi. Llec Teapeton Wili 1Give Recital Nov. Alec Teninleton. fame. F- ,1 ; tic O,1 Friday .evening, October 29, Miss Bak er wil 6e guest of honor at a dinner in the Hermiutage hotel in Nashville. 9 SEE PURPLE 0H10 GAME ýl- MdMrr - 1... VJ A fi. Gte zwi;ý ý 1