C.arletonl at.endea l'heuise eptiOn and dinner given Iast fttuuday evenlng ln thé grand baliroozi -of the mlotel Fjher- Inan to welcome thé Dew premidinir blshop of te ohurch. the IRt. ev. Henry St. George Tucicer, Eishog> of Virginla, to Chicago. Mr. Powier, am. president of the Cburch club of the diocese, preidd at the dinner. The, Wonuin's guiRd wIlI not reset tiimorrow <Fridayý as, It _As théfIfth lPrIdayr and the gLeuld meets on the sice- ond and fourth fldays.. Thfe youni rpeople of -the Thetn Un- pilon Rito are bavlng a mf>p"ing lu the PO'rh'h Iffou ne tomorrow CP'lrdày) ve- ing. First Presbyterian utyour lai mnvtes u ou 10JOIflU& The Giri Sctouts 'meet Wednesday eve- hi ng at' 7 o'ciock. The choir z#eets for rehearsal r1 daY evening at 7:30o olock. The Chicago Prembyterlal soolety wi ineet F~ridiy, Novemnber 6, at the united churé b 0pf Hyde Park, at Il oelock. Renervations for the lunoheon anay b. made wlth Mmre.R. 1-. Rfli. 1007 Thir- teenth street. The grillé for the organ were lustalied lant wcek. compieting this unit lu a deco- rative as well as practical way -la the chancel of ýthe church. This la another step ln the graduai comp#ëtion of the The week of Fr there will be ac 6:30 WeIoc& Pl l&V ovenin Cheo f SWIPT'8 PIEMW UD'e Ovembodl or PIACOC S (New TmedotPu.s.sd). ristoaof.* il Homes, 12, te 14 lbs. avesge, I lb . ........... 7l The. vey hoi.ast f rom the. Mism fimons of uorthwest forme. PIusap, 9 to 20> lin.. rnv, lb ...... 39c POT tOAST Primo clna e af. Vaarv M&0 G u..Sprint Quallty. VUY ten. der, delesebIleavor. 8 t. 9 lb...vg., lb... lAIT ILES LAME. à- t. 4-1b. avow. ......Mm ROASTINS CC(ENS Pumous WmWe alledy ilk.P.d. Tend« Miud delooiusaveusme.. 4 Ib. ev4 ,. * . di.......... POIX LOIN U?*ASt Cet fruim u eder. vannL inmur=é was away she wai daughter, Mrs. R Aibia, Iowa, and1 .and Mrs. E. W. anston and their 19C 19C iHartss..,an Tdr~' anq