Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Oct 1937, p. 12

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Martha luiliti today, 3 pan.: Blible study, 4 p.u.:*.birthday banquet. 0i:30. Junior Walther League. Frldny,. 8 P.m .;Halowre'en Party. Cihl4reu'a Christian educat Ion clams- es, Saturday, 9:30 àa..;Wednesday. 4 Admt catechuinen clame, >fonday. 9 p.m., ln the pastor's study.. ' hurch couneil, WeV7dnesday intt"ûd lof Tuesday, 8 p.M. In both of Sunday's serviceà the Fesiti- ;val, of the Reforanation viii lie observ,ýd: IThe sermon viii lie based on Luke 12: 48. lit subjeet being: "Our 1<sfornlia- A ton Legacy and Our Obligation.", This evening, lit conuection witli the Martha' Guilti birthtiay banquet. Miss Frieda Breàumerniann la sceduli-tdto speak at 8 o*olock. At this. hour ail are iinviteti tocone anti bear, Mi.-.,;Brem- merman'. »tory of lier work as dea- I cones ln the field of institution.11 nis- ffom There vwll bct a free-wfll oiering. on Tueà%day andi Wedtiesuy ofnex ,week the pastor wili re-present the thir- teeu congregatins of Circuit Ten at a meeingto e leldat Concordila <tpli#gt, ' River Forest. Holy Communion willi1be celelirated inl the 11i o'clock service on Novemiber 7.. Announoemento wiIi be rccelveti iiter .next Suntiay'asewrvie. or. on Friday, November 5. Thecabne voed otto avea ee le.lon" l reilon7Mî lmenbers of thla Ing on Suntiay evennqu Octber 31. Thuis cotigregation are urgedi'bY, the minister viii grive thein theogopprtunity to ea 'tobe, present. igrOuest Et. the No1TrerSundatyI Evenirg club.. The -oburch sehool holdei ts sessknçi CUb Monts IAt 10 o'clock, Suntiay moralng. New -Te Cub Smouts viliihave their lial-t seholars. are being weleometi each week. loe'.. Party, 7:30, P*rday, October The aduit clans, led by Prof. Charries 39, ii iijunor oox ofthechuoliBraden la Interestln- an lncreamiig nomn- Corne out anti enjoy an evenlng of fun ber of men andi women. Speciai aetlv!- vith the rest of the* cube. ties ln the Junior D3-patint are lit- The- . st uai le f raîs il! have a rua»- Ing conductet by lMrm.C.. H, Joues. mnage sale In the junior room of th.-t chutuh October 28 andi 29. The. Young People's society wlii hold Chureb goe a uFiresitle Meeting" on Sunday eve- Our prîmary departinent la continlu- ning nt the home of the- preMidlemt iug to growv vider the leader 4hip of Mrs Virginia- Dalatrom. 1634. Walnut ave- Dorothy B. Stevenîson. In order to ai- nue. The officers wilii iea diseu>i.on leviate the erovdeti condition ln. uic on *'Best Use' of LeIsure Tlime.' churcb school perloti. the. prlmaî7 de-_ partinent wili meet ut'10:55 a.m., te- i Sunday, begfinsuicb1 Girl Scout week. giuning liovember 7. Tis wi.i alsigveThis cburch lq happy to coop)erate. We> parents witti amaîl chiltiren tbî. nppor- furnIsit meeting places for rro'>P 3, tûnnty to attend the morninuj vorship directeti by lirs. Howard Heatoti anti services of the chureit. Harriet ICeth. New arrangements forF Susly m,~i Clb Janother troop are lu progress. Mîsr. 1H. si*a xvening Clb J. Dernel, of thl churth attendedth be the second program attraction ln the recent conferences In"Savýani, dua. New Trier Suntiay Uvening club series.t On Wednesday. No0vember 3, we have We. are fortunaite ln baving this m-tn, witï us tlhe Rev. Louis P. Jens.,:i, tic- who lm known to newsaaper anti ratik loveti leader of Chicago Baptiiat Young audiences for his kindly phiiosaùphy rut] Peopies work. Ail teachers andi wrk-.-r. personality, in our comiuunity agalu. aeivtt oha naire olvt by discussion, vith the theme "Witat Tai Are We Rcaliy After lu Ciîureh School English Lteon Wr? Seveth street at Greenleaf A miniature Oxford an Edlnburgii «IA ab, T! W OWCtIPI, 1 1 ý_A 1 Orgai' <10:45):*"Chorale ln A Ifinor" ..........Frà nck M,-rS4 Briel Introit: 611âet AU Mortai Fieësh KXeep SIle'neo";......... P-Cr.ty Atiem: 0A^nd ln Thi"t Day". .lVoàdm:ùtn fftorv Si.-géSe1oted Or-i noiitude: "The HRunVtçry. Shah EBat" ........ *.......... aé The entire staff of spectaiu.ta in r.*- ligit7'ut%,edlîition from. Ili- M'!thridit Itrird, of P.ducatinn at 740 Rush str ect. Chicqgo, mviii orne to. look ove.r our ehIV,% % nehbiont, nW%11ieoiifpr wth putr obnrcb echool stnff. The nfternnfnPro - prMwilflbe froin 1:10 to 8 :15?. 8îîptbvlr will be serveti betwpen 15:16 and S4. ÀAil teqehers and oMfierm of nur chuecli pfchool an"4 qll rnemhers of the i-onmt- tee on rettiouseducation are urg.-l to be present. d The chorus chblrmept#s for reh"-ir.aI this evenlne (Thursdiy) at 8 o'clork, sharp ln the Junior room. The'annuai barvest homte dinner andi b opio nthe m'ulsater a it bs anilIy w'Ili lie helti tomorrov evenin-r (Fr"iiy) nt 6i :10 o'eioek lu the great h-11. A turkey dinner w'fl be serveti. Mrs. J. Pré 1equir.-WInnetka 19q5, la thé- reservation chaîrman. The folloving divisions of the Worn- an's guild are meeting today(Tur- day): Fir-t-lO a.m.-Urs. Carl (ieppert, 2001 Highland avenue. - Secnd-i Oa.m.-Mrs. L. E. Penberthy. 1524 Wiimette avenue. Third-10.a..n.-Mrs. Paul Hartin:tn, 2 740 Ridge avenue, Evanston. 9:30..i.usm. urgan rrelude "-AÉdarne,: y'the omeiers of ruas osurch in the unurcn The .10:50 a.m. gionata 1I................ Harwood Social Hall on Monday, November S. meets 81 .....Il :00 a.rs, Anthen-iLt Not Your Heart lie Tii. men and *omen: of the congregaitiou The I - - Troubled ....... ........... DlclreY are aseketi to save the date. meets al 1 preaclu on the. tu'pic, The Senior ChoirI- o'cioek. G.ot?" Song-He Leadtih Me ....... Bradbury An enthusiastic Men's chorus i. re- sec viii be as foll.>ws: Th~4e Junior Choir. hearuing Tiîursday evenings at 7:30, Th stiante Postiude "Maestoso," precedaing thre regutar cnoir. Ail mnen who Tei«V .G......u ilaniant t Sonata 1I.................Ilarwood lvvteigar otialmnvtt.ber n,. the Mom 'Victoria MLeod-Mlnistry of Mus'c lv osn r odal nie. br4 1 ........... Selley Net weekanot4uter reduction i h n h 0 Loveiy The Confrmtion clan vwiii meet <>,n 'mortgage indeiuîeuness of tire ýhurcn at 10:1 *............ Handil Thursday afternoon at 4 oj yu.wil te matie. Ail nicinters are niteil noon tii ~.....i!lh. WIhaw~,. ¶clo3k.~ ~ CI hî.meeting hoiti its No- dAy, Nloverai- 1at 10O, 'ciock Le viii nient

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