Standard Red Crown and Uso0-Vis "ID" Motor Oi BOTN GREAT TEANS Stop et Oi.Seate va. chie&"o ne li«e.etfne Tmedw. Bach of te. ire ebree perse ous bdorgs or smud to de.WuiLmTanLire oU.. corese meswor(or e. nomme orre) wilI b. givo..o.iarvoied set j ticket e. th. Northwesteru.Ilinoj, . j ALL ANSWERS MUST REACII WILMOTT SLIPE OFFICE (or b. pose.mark.d) Be. FORE NOON SATURDAT, OCTODER, 30. y- S y- s 121 WLMRfEAVE. POOL, SODA FOUNTAIN LUNCH Cêns< Ru», Ytrnrulf. TO LO)OK YOUR BEST ~ AT THE CAME Take a4vapntgp<or u Speclal Rates MoM4 Tu*es, l ium Shampo. aend FAugetWave ....... SImempo end Me . .........IL Cyrillets *1 E&UTY $11OP Seo US First for GUARANTUUD USED CARS- ALIMITE I"IIPr.ssur. EqIpmeuut May wo oloer pur oosplte servies l OCTOBER 28,' 1937 - m