Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Oct 1937, p. 83

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o go curred dr.gthe' ministry çifour Wa-..hIoer, Jésus the Christ. As liec Wcnllt about doing bis becncflcent. works among men our Master came tapon a man Who .hald been. blind froin bis Iirth . Witb ýthat subiime coni- passion and unfailîng tuedrness itl whièb lie was cndowed, and relyi.11g on, that c er-p)resenit .power of. God. by means of whicli lie did bis ni ghity wo rks, lie restored the man's sighit. One %vould naturali sulpposé that those Who sawl this beliîflcent resuki acconîplishced Would- rejoice and be glad., but the carnaifl ii(leven.a s it docs t<a.bgnto, (Uestiota jcsus' authority to performn suech -iiigbt.y works. lu justification ofbs actions and ini explanation of Ibis gloriotis nso h uttered thoSe sulliine %vords wvhich for ail timiee x- plained tic fcasôm for this coming and( the 'uurpose .of is ,loviig mini- istry: -1aanicouir that thtY înighit have 11e. and that the%. iiiighit have it ilore bdatv \Vith suici a tangible prooi betore thiemu as; tilew ind tan's lbcaling. whlat hopes this riiuig declaration oi Truth musiit have aroused ! hat coura;gc it 11111,t hvisic!How faitlî nîust have iincreaséd (lin- God's are~ plea sures for evermore." -Wbat le tils path whieh leads to the fullneze ti richne.ss* of lite? Jeene, our great ~Uster,. revealeti it for ail tme when lie ded-areti, ý,nd thie is lite eternial, that they righit knioW thee tle only true 4,;od,.and Jesus Christ, whom thou baet itcnt." To know God, then, is life eter- nal-that abuntiant lite wliere limita- tion, disease, and mortallty are un- known. To gain the unimiteti andi affin- ent sense of lite le thé great prîvilege of everyone andi leads to that fùlînes of joy ivhich le man's true herit age. To reac4a the Wugh goal wt niue.t un- d#'rstand the greatt tact that lfe le purely andi entirely spiritual.. The bu- min h mid, unenilhtented by divine tacts,, hais very largely îhought of lite as ni terial, organie, nmortal1 and finite. Il lias concelveil ot life largely in termes of physical po ,es 1s. motal events, or mitterial conditions. Andi yet, upon caitetul . thoughlt andticosse analyis, e, can rtýadi1ly see tfiat human lite e inor-. tally mental and nfot corporeal. Ini peaking of "inî life, 'his lite" or "lerli, e'to what 'ào we rfeý.'*>io W Ile ga Nine COaches Accompanying p h ot og9ra pli show the nine football coaches at New Trier Township High school. Mr. Ascbienbach là' head varsity coach, and lias been since 1925, with tbe exception of -one year wb'len be was given a leave of absence. Mr. Caton stepped into bis place at that time. The latter and Paul Delaporte are Mr. Ascbenbacb's assistants. Grooming fresbman-sophouïore players bias for Il years been Mr.ý Funkhauser's job. He bias five teachers aiding hlmi in this part- tieworkA BIOLER EXPLOSIONI o)r prmflvlpal i)d,,'îor iuit 01 IL. ler :11, 1147-0o11~rai past due si) :îsesnîeltbondsf ut le Village oftK, .Worth, Illinois. ashtenifrdsc andi spevified. From' and. ttter October 30, 1)37 Ilasi ,s force. Pated Hmiod. D. caton, p aul G. Delaporte David Kenneth Fonkhauser E.

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