Se. Your Plumber, Hardwaore Dealer or Public Service Store for Full D etail$: of the New Low Cost"ý *You've always wanted the convenienS,,of 'constant hât wtr day or m'ght, without any attention or bother. Now you can have it at savings ranging from 6%ini the average home to 40%Y inmore *pedtg ýnhwmc ùôtàcgshtw service your home requires. Neyer before have you been able to have automuic gas hot water service at such low cost! Hot water everywhere i the house-kitchen, Iaundry and bath-for every purpose. Hot water at the turn of atap!1.Save time. .. savemoney .save :1 ' Act Now und SavI AUTQMATIC WATER HEATERS OCT0nE R 21, 1931 1' i t.