OPENINU ANOUN .CE MEËNT OCT. 27th- flflhJ bl. E ID or3Ui~ JJ A Dpenabl FRE Iforation Bureau, We are Jicre to serve cvery r eýidentý and cvcry strangri our communitv. You aré invitcd to cali for fricnidiy and rel jahle intorilnatini on anv houschoid' nccds. WINNETIÇA 1344 156 GR~EEN J3AY, ROA~L WJLMETTE 1340 FREDA. ELLIS &Co.. friNc. I HeMing and Air Conditioning - Ehgineers - Confractors IJ 40 Years of Contbuous Servce on the North Shore %5 RILE STOKERS <>ver 10 yeurs of contimnous service shonul convihce yen 01 the hi gh standard of service use render. Cent.,' Stret Wnei 26 qj.L'u ('e % lquc is la u b en zorce< to fighit up-bit! battles. to'ernrge vic- torious. Againist M ichigýai1 t hw%%a athird quarter, forward paSs iinto the elnt 70o1e thaàtprovide,ýd the touchonb Whbicil the ,Purple %woin the gaine,, 7 ti ()O. Andl last Saturday h wàa pass iitt-rceition with it S subscquieli fumblc and recover.y, over. the goal l*ile for .a toucbidown that enabled the \Vildcats to min , 14 'to '7. atid keep tlieir record utubleînishcd. Four Straight to Beat Ani t now Vthe emlbàttlefj Wildcats fa(ce four éomferütice gauiles on su, té s ý I% e 1 S a tu r ]a S-s a g a i ît o p p o n e n t vwho 'fell victirn to. their niarch to itt titie iast %-car.' These teans- Objio Stateý. Wisconsj.if 1llois and 1 Niflne.,ota-%%ilil oilnt tocr XOrthwest- cru,. not oîiiv to Up)set. the champion defeat. 111 t 11-c -,anilusto tiate. Nortliwest- enrulbas shown stcadv improvdnîeit ii ail dcpartinents andi wiil face Ohjio at Columbus .Sattirdav %vith tile knIowiedge thàt' the defensü is cap- alie Of. Pttting uip a stoliwali front anrd tlat the ffen',e Isbugilming to ChCik. Defense Tightens fi took the, second hiaif o()i ePtir. iom Iowns. Again iiint thefourth quarter Purdue drove(Jeevp into Nort hivestern terri- tory ~hie the second( team, was iii the gaine. Wben the 1reguilars were in- serted the%- bcld the Boilemniakers for dws taking the, hail 01thie ont, yard line and kickllug ()it Of tdanger. Offcnlsivelv the teamn relies pnu- Fred-~Vano cipallv upon ÇCapt. Don Heai>, l1km.s- Lard Jefferson, hlaifb)acksý, and jack Ryan, halfback. .Th'Iis trio presents a dangerous running formvar4l passing attack. Ail three piayers caui pas, accturatel%,. 1 He r( Purdue. to stop foot lài out ofÈ terceptei it 50 ya lie fumt rOic h1ciglits against Iluîgeid into the uine Nortliweste!rii' one r Jefferson kiekeci ivas Vanizo ývho )ini- 'pass and returned irduze'.s IO'ard ile. ili