M.i~ UNC. FOOTBALL MaVy s NOTRE DAME' %Pl .JJULII -11111 4 *l i 58 aiGl aJ snond mines, Victoria Falls and the. Zimbabwe1 Ruins, -f rom which King Solomon is said to have 'Mined hi. gold, has this week been announced. The cruise-tour wilt extend over- 84 days, leaving New York on the luxury liner "Rex" january 5 and transferring to the S. S. "Duilio" on January Il at Gibraltar, the first port' of cali. Four days later the party will put in at Dakar, on the edge of the Sahara Désert, then voyage along the. African Coast, with special festive cereinonies when the ship crosses the Equator and King 'Neptune cornes: aboard to ýhold bis icourt. At Cape- town, 'in the shadow of Table Moun- tain, five days of sightseeing will fol- low. This will include an ail-day drive around the Cape of Good Hooe. 3rnier YÇ5idecII of the trip will be a tabeth, the ostrich .market of South We og at Cen- ot nature's g-reatest sc they -are twîce as.