Lemps and Accemsries 929 N. Michigan Ave.. Chica go Phot. Supelior 56%. CAUDS LIL"Iay Betdonery Our Rest Seller! U. S. CAMERA 1937 Bigger and Better OeSo,.' vruams meJ' coutriuiy 1imos t neede a leader. ITbey biave' collaborated on a book. General Ghian Kai-Shec : The Ac- lie Fate of Chlinal Himg i thre al- ance, publisbed this faîl by Double- day, Doran. Coup d'Etat In gencral a description of the évents tbat occurred up to and during this coup d'état and the diplomacy. necessary to save Cbina f ront a bloody civil war, it brings into sbarp relief the two imiportant figures wbo have donc mOStý to awaken that country from ber'apathy. The Na- t.ionalist movement for wbich 'tbey are responsible bas unified China and bielped. to present Japan witb a worthy oppoOfent fo th nre-4.-- cA,*ua.a "m. 0227 *Salývli aimen, lt/s uihoress Of *Watrina"as tw.orldnig ij»Massa- cisd;as a serv'ant wchen s/e zerote this isovel. Ifùwon a .Scait- dhsovian publishing con! est, and is now .appearing ini translations  nine different cointries. Fas-rar aiid Rfùëtaet lroûguq lit 'the Amdércan. edition. Wafles Sea Monsfers Istore. Wen it was done, she sent it Scandinavian publishink bouse. Site won 'the. prizeý-50,000 marks-aid provcd herself a literary- Ciniderella whose ta lents took. ber out of thei kitch'en and into a new Uc A Best Seller M iss Salmiiineni's ýlMok. Kùtri>,*a, %vliicli lbas, beeti on l)Cst sellerlists in this country reccntly, is the story of a girl on the AIand Island-, front whicli the autbor beërseif cornes. AI- though 20,000 copies is. a large sale for a Svedisli novel, >atriî,a lias. sol(l alnost. tbrce times that tnlany. copies in its oýriginal language, and ini tranis- lation is appearing.in, niine differet c ounitries. The Englisb version i I Ille work of Naomi Walford, whio translated Trygve Gulbransens lcYod Sinyii i1'v)d. &(WtrjiLl iis a iioveI l siq liit. t hieroine. after %vloni Ille book ï, nanied. is a womnan whose lhusband andl sonî- are seafaring mien. Site livecs ini just suchi a smnall village in the Aland Islands as the author came- front, ini stark poverty. The mai %0ho111sIte marri, es wins lier uîuler fa ise pretenses aùdf is alnost -worthi- ng the, coral atolls off- Britisb Hon- s, tbrougb the islands and.- reefs dot the coast of the Republic of ýduras and an>id the islands of the- ,ri LJndsct's charac- fsays: "Did you ever inito a strange littie *e everything scenied fcant and unfinterest- did-not go on your wav on a, few days anid I g or *SW o"