Morris Photo klace, i"'Ilnette, las bemi nmade general chairmait of thte sale of handinade artic-les.fronit thte Scitic- ment scýhool at Gatlîinberg, Teilei., to:be dis/'!aved at an exhibit teaý of. the,. urhatrc lsuncclub f l>hi fetil t'hi, Pit a t lill ildnt.' M .lrs. fi. L., MIiddletoni, 2 1 r rîitoli 01avenue, Jvntn Reception Observes Delta Zeta Founding The Chiicago and Nortoi Shoru Aluin- nae associations of Delta 7.eta, nation- i l nin s sorritv. uil ee1hrit UNNlERSpRiNG MATTRESS Véry comf.rtabl. and durable $1lu,-fo Eiceptionaily Fih. Down and Feéther PILLOWS Reg.aI.r Prie $4.75-., ia $3.75 talinen,,I y-calmng MrC lyde 0.IneleJ of K(-iihvorthi, the club announces. for Sewi .ng &roup Mr.s. J. H. Milliken'os sewing group of the Northi Shore auxiliary of the Chicago 4Materuity center will be ený- ttertaiined for dessert lunicheon at the me of Mrs. Douglas Geller, 2224 Wcsley avenue. Evanston, 'Monday, October 25, at.I1:30 o'clock. z afttr- ýr Pfeffcr, the be the M\isslcs ,raft, Vivvenîi! SEAUCH'S SLUMIIR SHOP IN OUR1 NEW STORE-1506 SHEURMAN AVE. -1 Vastocks Seifi of Devis St., Eve.m fou UNI. 2820. di Wvt westerr Assis general RutIi moriti. %e