lub, Wilinîctte, on Wednesday, October 27, at 2:00 o'clock for. ail afternoon of bridge, a style show ' and tea. MIrs.* Edgar,. Manske (the former Jane Fauntz) Olympic champion and diver ini "The Streets of Paris" at A Century, of, Progress, is to be one of the models. Mrs. Manske is a Theta who attendeýd the University of Illinois and Northwestern university. Other * ndels wiIl be Mary Aistecl, president of Tau chapter at Northwestern, Nancy, Lewis, Mrs.- Richard Carroll and Mrs. Albert Gale.. Proceeds of the afternoon ,will,:bene-' fit the k*n and fellowship fund of the national sorority f rom which' Thetas who are graduate students, juniors, or senirs, nayoh$tain asistanç, at a, low 1313 Oak chairmian 1 D Felt- tion announces, Mrs. Leonar4 iKeeler, who wilI give an illustrated lecture on the workc of Northwestern's Scieîitific Crime Detection laboratory. Mrs. Keeler is the examiner of ques- tioned documents and solves probleins of identity, alteration sequence, and other problems affected by hanidwriting and materials for writing. Shie joined the staff of the laboratory sil-jrtl i-çater it was founded i 1929. She has wc'rked there ever since, as ha. ber husband. who is chief operator -and research di- rector of the polograph, staff and iii- tertial director of the laboratory. MrS.. Keeler wilI demonstrate * the inethiïds, usedl hi 'the laboratory., Ail reservations are to* be inade with Miss Abbie Talmadge et The }Iloin e- stead, Evanston. For Alpha Phi Mot hers Mrs. Albeèrt, W. Scarratt hostess Thursday, October 21 homne, 521 Kenilworth avenue the sponsorship ofthte North Shore Alumuae club of Pi Beta Phi. A quantity of thesearticles are be-. *igsent up for the-.exhibit, the sor- ority 's annual affair, *from the Arrow * Craft shop, a medium for marketing the work of the niauntain people 'Who receive instruction at the school. The shop is located in Great Smoky, Mounitain national park at Gatlin- herg. The national alurnnae association of Pi Beta Phi founded' the school in 1912, and many mountaineers are now receiving elementary and high school education there. In addition, coin- *nunity classes for aduits in outlying districts are offered. Threre. are' courses in agriculture, home' eco- nlomics,. furniture' making, weaving, andl hvarLene. Aldric Chest ivili he. 1,at ber ý, Kenil- of l3eta serority leir rs. [rs. Ch, ter ffi of nid .A poster cotftest was recently sponsored in St. F~rancis schoot' by the publicity conimittee ior the comning H1allowe'en J)arty t'o. beg.iven.Sa.turday eve'tiîig,,Oc- tober 23, at the Shawnee Conti- tryiclub.- An art comtnittee of the parish -judged these posters and made tbet- folléwing awards:. First awards wvcnt to Paul. Lechner for thc best poster made by 'a boy and to lTheresa Murphy for the best poster madIe by a girl. Tlic second boys' auard went to David Murphy. Rosemairy Hein and Junc McMurray t 'ook thc *se-ond( award for the girls.., Third awards, Wvent to Mario Pagliarulo and I)tw- othy Nilles.. Honorable mention, went to, -Cath- armne Broad, Mary Wetterer, Mar- garet Mary Moran, Winifred Turner, JJoyce Sted.em~, T.hpmasMco Jane ICerwin, Vivian Nito, Lucy Nilles, Margaret McCaIl, Eleanor 'Peifer, and Jean Hartke. The art committee declarcd the work of the children sbowed unusual ability, originality, and careful train- ing. Certainly 'the people of the parish thank the children and their teachers for the posters which wiere ail apropos. -Neigltbors and citizens of Wiimette, Thù followitig parishioners ivili1 serve as a recepliti,.,commiitteu for the party: MIr. and Mrs. J. G. 'Bichi, Mr. and Mrs. George E. Boughton, Mr. and Mrs. John Boylston, Mr. and Mrs., Clemens Bruns, Mr'. and Mrs. Joseph DaIy, Mr. and Mrs. Josbu2fl'EslQ;ffo. irs. Mar0'2rAt 'miteis hi 50 WILMHTTE LIFE