w:iI speak on "C.rime Prevenitioni" and,, with the aid of..volunteers from the audience, wil demonstrate the lie detector. The lecture will be illjus- trated with stereopticon slides. Po fessorý Keeler has appearetd before ing. The next day shé was agaminin. bombing danger- while sitting in a garden of the French concession. Escaping doWn river, ýshe reached Manila just in time for an eartbquake. Osa Johnson is perhaps the best known woman explorer of the day and as good on the platforrn as she is with a camiera or a gun in the jungles. .At present she is iii Af rica supervising the filming of a miovie based on the Staniley-Liviingstone ecp e dîitio n in 1872. Her lecture this season is en- titled **Jungles Calling" and will. por- tray the fast-vanishing animal and native hlfe in the"South*Pacific, Bor-' nco, the lay- peninsula, Ceylon, Australia. and Africa. Her movies are exccellent, and ber lecture -excellent t41fl She ik an exoerienfcd £wafker. largely responsibleè for the Railroad' Pension. bill and the amended Rail-* way. Labor aët, which outlaws. coi-, pany unions and thc yellow dog con-. gram, is the ber wbo was the success Alone and Ii ing club will De llawaiL' Ott.. elo. «WM UCie B. 'hnbN NoI.Maw