<wcsi<Yiscâ'an e iîade It 111V »eitt.tVIl thev arc ic)t iatllé. ýt»w choices '-J *suh.'ct!lI )v w e~'nt'ililil':. 'îl an sarv tli;o t he.îfr'i'sicîl ' :r. t"ir the' aillit the ,w: -r 'Ilv i i stiîd't rrs 't ' i t'.' .'. .. Chswie Mrinimum. ;h v irements:~'r;: toy aihjid î*r !ie~ menied tcr j, irt y'a siud a t l i~t MI M i 1~ r' 'î;it:flu. :jar4'~t:ntj n * r4un'. an.: t'""' fl1e'e~d n j.l"~...'r * 'n t s.' t'~ General Science Important ~t q 4t .:'î~ *t.~ .r:.*rî;.,. .:'.':r .: 4.4' t.t:: e ,. .4. .11.1 <a..~' edL2 4 **~~4~ 4"' . 4 ,. 4tt4 4 lia,.. ..t 4 4, ..4 t I 4, si, w 4'. ",î' ' la "t. 4. 4'" j -.4' 5" 4'.~ 4'4' 'iiii't...... i., .,.. 4. .4, .4.' t;' 4' 2er4'r.f *,~, ~ ..............t . . . . 1." ~'~"* 4 t. --4- v ikt4' ' At '14' '.4~> "~~' ' T *.'!, ,'.«iÏ?:?,n Cul fii.l 5ciF s s>.fe ' oe façon, -~A. S"! in c -, *n 1, j * ti i t-. 4*4~~0i~ <4 J *~4 ~44~4 ~ ~.. i i 1; '.4 .. . . . . 4 .. . - .. ~. i . . . i require alt frait two, years ý'd mnathe- mnàtc.iandi two yutars i of îsonCreg languauge.Thi- greatmaoy f4t1 lege., ndcudlng the rid-weitern ia: tunverîiti&es.req-u;re Clle -à!: year in either mathcematie,ý -r :n guaze. The mr osra:- lege%. môstly i h'es,*H~eîr e'ven two units oùf iaiig'uage t'thC) reqniirementî, fMtwTinjiel AAwv.a. OPFý 1UI Ma- 177r)r :.:r m:., al . c k r.î.'z ar t heý,' . r V ches, write fetterî andI for publi- .n, etc. Wornên foll6w _pretty fr0,»4~ oloct j>:the rnormn;g †it Litr e iltkU a il[W wrnïtcult to c'- 001 lieve because Berulie'.s own sniile is rs. one. of the miost contagious we know-