andI recreation board bias he nouinced by'Daniel M.. Davis,i and -,vil l>be in fuil operation" ber 1. n ail- reCtor oveffi- TI4ESE AND HUHDRUDS 0F EACH DAY AT NIRAL II Badinton ,sarted at Howard gym- tiasîiurn M oiday :pight and wilt bc played cvery Monday and Iriday eve- ning froin 7 t110 o'clock. S;huffleboard will be played at Stolp gý*n every \\ediesday ev'ening. The courts. wilI bc reserved for children of junlior antd carly higb school age front 7 to 8 1). tu. and for adulîs from 8 to 10, .In. Thé H-oward gym i vill he reserved for girls on Tbursday ev'enings fromn 7 .o 10 ù'cock for gymn cla sses or any activity ifor which there isa demand. Cage League ~M n4a-imgbh4 *ê wll ttserve<1 lfor - i ls aketba1' Icaguc. Annv w %isJing to enter a ican inii iis, Icague Aiould get in touch wvith the recreation office, 914 Central avenue at once. The **CI" League basketball gaines will be played at the Stolp gymt every Tuesday eveni'ig front 7 to 10 ok4lock and the -" league gaintes will also bc played at Stolp gym every Thurs- day evening from 7 to 10 o'clock. ****** ************ PILLSBURY, CERESOTA- GOLO MEDAL LIROY'S TOMATO JWICE, LS. BOX DAO BAG s es ss se ee ANSc e.. ., . q.. ~ e Friaay evening. The public is cordiafly invited t take part in this program and th~ recreation board will welcome sugges tions for new activities if there are sufficient-number wbo will take par, * a a PKG. ab 1 M M n n n SW.TANA e a, 2-L