on unnia and .lapati, wiI speakc on "The Tinder Bo6x cf Asia" at R8:15 at: h Skakie school. Winetfka. His lecture ig awaite<l with congiderahle interest. for no0 AmeriCan 7is better fitted to discuçs the situation in the P~ar East whbich occupies the foreground of the ýworld picture 1od4y. Mr. Sokolsky lved 'in china for many years. married. a Chînese woman, had close contacts with the country's leaders and its people, and was anl im- portant journal ist there: Today le is a contributor to many well-known ýpub- lications and is a lecturer in Éreat de- mand. He bias written a number of val- uable books and a New York newspaper muns two columns of bis comments ou world affairs every Monday. His back- ground is so rich that lie bas been asked to conduct a short question period after his ec é ioerê Sktjk1de 'hôôl. Tt isft& that he cannot give a fraction of the material he bas onî bis subject in the short space 'of an ordinary lecture. It is suggested that holders of sertes. tickets find seats by 8:10 p.m., because at that. time any extra seats wili be sold singly. The lecture will start at 8:15. Mr. Sokolsk l bat .fnIlowed i n the Theè Rev. Amsos 7thortibtrg uwi re-qPIiomted to the, pastorate of the, Wiloielte Porish Methlid isi chiere/s lastt week aIt/he sessions of the. Rock Rizer Con! erience of thse depio.nination, «dl/s which Itse local chiure/ s j:ajiliated. Thse Rete. Mr. Thorpiburg cme I. Ithe Wilmette chachin,4tw. aftmm o 1,3HPm nf Autrora. Iil. JUS uw importarnas the andtependence with a lectureon "onflictn Cocept of this country to the peace arid ýwelfare Rpgarding Hfow A Chld Learns." Th of the continent? What. is the degree mneeting will start at 8 o'lock. Th ofNai ndFacit nfuénce iný the Tickets for the entire series of four land? How stable is the regime under lectures have been placed on. sale at the pressure of -force and propaganda? mo1st of thie north'shore schools and at Who actually rules Austria? What are Chandlers, Davis and Sherman, IEvans- the repercussions of the riots of Febru- ton and at the Zick store, 729 El., tret ary and of the assassination of Dolfuss Winnetlca. Tikttortefl eIes, in Jly, 934?will seil for one dollar; single lectures, Guests are cordially invitcd to attend thirty.five cents. the services held at the North Shore'1c» rTit*i., Congregation Israel temple every Sun- Titles of DrG ilpt c' other talks day morning at Il o'clock. The temple are as fol1ows: Oýctober 27, io h is located at the corner of Lincoln and Parents Should Evaluate the HWrtho Vernonavenus _in ___ncof Veno aenesinGlnce.the School"; Novemnber 3, >r)rrssv Fducation and its Contrbion to Child SPEKIER FRIOM SCOTLANI> Developmentu. November 10, "IEduca.. Frank Johnstone, exchange teacher tion: A Social Repm ll. .»Me.,- fr0., Scotland to New Trier High1 bers of the com'tte , AM -9 75 Per Cent of Voters Record Names on. Registration Il of Winter Sport Scasonl Danial M. Davis, diréctor of rec- reation, this week announced that badminton will open the faîl prograin of the Wilmette playground and rec- reation board next Monday at the Precjnct 1.... 6 7 98........ Pitecinct 22'....... 23.... 24.... 25.... 26.... 27. 28 29