"-"'.q'erl . .... -p... Haold CUdy ScotTowels 3. G. C. Schieibe, bIc . ...... . . EarI ScbeibePaok'0"Cu 4. Geo. B. WiTnter, mnc., E vanston. Frank Wal>r . eardtk's Eag"lub 5. John P. Randlevý...........Oit, Wahle GOldt onk les 6. P......Brs Xolpli Peterson Town Crier'Flour 7. Geo. B9. Winteri Imc., Wilmnette. C. Foss Winter WilsonIe 8. Voltz Groc. & Mkt. Victor J. Voltz . ndroxHiM 9. \Voodland Groc. & Mkt Phil. Stur.n Sewarts Coff et 10.' Glencoe Groc. & MNktl mer Engels Krait-Pienix Il. RIugen Stores, lue......Chas. Rulgen frrnc rs 12 Bou Goc Mt......rank eel. Linco.Products Higli thlree gaine series goes to J. Claboti> with a total of 574. Second higb tbree gaine Serles Is.atýardle<l to C. Schutrke with a score of 50,3. High Single gaine honors is claied. h Roy eei with, a' total of 242, while \Vilbur \\'itelicad cdainms second pl ' -itli a score of 2M3. Teana Standings'and Average& WVon Lost Pct. Ag Liîîco Products 7 2 .778 7S8 Kraft-Pliei.ix 3 .067 773 Town Crier Flour ..3 .17701 Stewarts ,Coffee 6 3 . j,7759 Peacock -400-* Citlb 54 741 scot>Iroweis 5 4 .5 5 690 Breinner Bros. . 4 5 . 444 741 Hydrox Ifli-Nlix..3 1 .333 733 Wilson I1deals .. .3 f .333 698 OId lMoik thecir sales to tes 3 6 1> 3 6 owliflg leaigte i,,rolling everiv -'\onda v ere ny, \'aukcgani road . (eliview. AIl food nl atives, groce-r> and t1icir einployees are cor .333 .333 ADVERTISER A PFiod Storeis........ .21 ;idams. weavi,âg Co ........ ..29 Antunes, The......... ....14 Armour & Co.....Cover Ili Ba'ara... ............. Book Nook, The..........3 Boulevard Drug'Store.....8 Boyajian i Co .............i56. Brauch's Sluniber Shop.e.....29 Braun Bros. Oil Co. . over IV Iluick Nlotor. Car. Co........ 25 Chapinan & Ci .............. 57 Christian Science Choirch ... .6, 8 CIoe, Aliner & G)o ........... 24 Colosîy Hat Shop ...... .».... 20 Commnity Theatre....... ..58 Consuiners Finance Co....... 22 Coi . ..... ..24 ... . .. . ..6 PAGE ADVERTISER PAGE Memorial Park.......3 Millen Hardware Go,....... 8 Mitchell, Marjorie .........33 Murine Co........32, 67 Nortbrook Evergreen Nursery.56 North Shore Lace CurtaIn Cleaners.............. North Shore Rtefrigeration Go.. .30 Northwestern University ...25 Nufer, Gene............... 5 Okean, M. B............... 10 Pagliarulo, D. ........... 8, 14 Palace Foods ............. 13 Peacock Ice Cream .......... 14 Pocock. Jess-ie L 1.......... 5i Pool & Piper ........3) Publie Service Go........... 27 Puritan Construjction Co. 56. Nelson Launidry.........7 Wlmrette Battery and Eleetrie 7 Scotts Q Mortielans . ...6 Frank Meier, Jr. * 6 Wlmette Ice ..6 Shtmnonek. Service 6 The Bounid.ry . ., 5 Alten'x Mortuary .5 Braun Bros. 011 .3 Wlimette Theatre ..2 River Ifn............2 Bungalow Tavern - Evan.i4ton Paint and Gas. Ace~ MUtors !Snhq........ Home and Garden r5.C IR »Vil .....s~a ........l Esthe r Beatuîy Shop ......... 39 'Evans, Clarence B........ 6. 16 Evanston Acaderny of Fine Arts.53 Evanston Fireproof Warehotise..........2 4, 55 Fasst, Rosalie Roach ........ 32 Florida Fruit Co ........... 20 Franken Bros . ..,.........57 Rurnunage Sale .~........16 Sehloesser's ................ 15 Shawnee Tailors............ 9 Shoreline Music & Radio .. Sinclair Dealers............ 33 Smyth, John M. Co ........ ý..54 'Sjider-Cazel Drug C.... 9, 10, 14 igm5 em Boulevard Drug had gaie f2Z weatbcr, espec 4. and 910 for a 2,766 series which i S, protective cov, ýgh for the seasoni. Lindberg of the sure that no oulevard 1 'g bad gaines of 213, 213. core. exposed.. .... .. .. . ,L ... . . . . .7 k Co......... 41 Callum .......22 .6... . ... >oft 'ced ieatre ..........5 . .Iec....... 18, 19 tt . . .. . OURADVERTISERS