'l'Win »e., -. ecovr, .lmaMroe, nigiht t.able,*box ispringà; and mattresses. Pr * fect econd. 204 PUller Laiie. Wlnnetka * 2120.129LTX22-1tp ORIENTAL AND I)oMESTIC *ALL SIZES.RE OAL. 191CHUicH ST. 129LT.X23-41 QuAKER fBOT WATPR H pAT eR: IN-X sulateti bot *ater tank. Carveti wal- itut hall table. 2-pifece living roomli suite. Broum cabinet. Alil very ranbe.i Wlnnetka 1559. 120lýTNX23- tp FOR SALE GREEN r. EDRtOOM SE.T. tir trade for studio ecQuvh. Itug, 9xl2.: à mirrors. ehlld's oak tiesk anti ehair 1 * Leonard tee box, rOwing machine. Gýlen- éeue 14Ï6, 795 Vernon Ave. 129LTN23-ltîp WTD. TO UUY-HOUSEHOLD 000DÉ CASH FOR YOUR USED FURNJTURE, modern or antique, and other bouse- huM darticles. CHO$ 4-n'4-6 Em versity 01( ton. Uni. 0189 .A'RPLPANES 4AVF6 .MADE B&-rtp R TM#,N 400 MiLES pE.R l'4A~T IN AVIAllON lteWS RACE iRf RUJNNEP. 1REAKS Pý SpE-t-> REcoRo., We k~ADT44AT ON IME SPOl<P~ buy MoTo#~ IST Mr. and Mrs. W. Henry HuffnmUaný_ and. b er small daughter, Judy, are kpending several weeks visitiug ber, parents in-law, Mr. and Mrs. F. C.i Huffnian of 1311 Ma ple avenue. Lait week-end they were joined by Henry Huffman of Madison, Wis., and .to.. gether Mr. Huffnian senior, his son and his 'daugbter-in-law went to Lafayette, Ind., for the. Purdue- Carnegie Tech football gaine. Mr. Huffinan is coming down aga in next week-end for the Purdue-Nortbwest- ern gaine, following whach bis wife and. daugbter will return bhorne witb kim. Kenmilworth Man's Father bra'.az finishi. Il sed only ," le Jyv vellent voi>nition. Cost $200>, w for $;-O. 4619 Foreast A,.Wim BOY'S 2S-IN. BiICYC'L]E. $2.50. 1429 Gregory Avte.o Wilimette. lst fluor. Cal after 3 P. m. 13iLTl 14-FT. L)oRy TYPE OPE] * oilnted si Grant. Ro( service thei * Rev. Tlic al cnaplain at ciwd. and hield li on October 21. is Keenie Gale.,%i ~fl an joli 1rs. Fr. Real 'Estate boardj ieeting on October . I2LTN20-4tP WE WILI Private1