Aa8UDU dVU0w ulE ,aivertlsimnts rua )ru lb Deadline for Inserions_c1EUBti0dftdVO4rttuODIRtU wil b. for WILMHT LIPE or ail thre papers; WàeJumaar*$P. M. for WINNILNKÀ TAKand Thuraday 6 P. M. for GLXNCoWc NUWIS. Tileptionen: Wlhpetto #800, Wlnnetka 2000 (Wimmetka 600 atter i P. M.). Greenoeat 4300 or Bblrait. 1216-1817. WI4LL SIL Rl.EASONAI3LY ON AC- couit (of sikness: pedigreed dacli- stàund. german shepherd and '~k' skokie &.siml».'n Nilei4 Center 129 44LTN23-ltp CoCKER SPANIZLS- BEAUTIFUL puppîies 10 wks. old Large selection or t-glor-s. Ail in good. bealtb. Wilaflor Kentiel, Dundee Btd. 2% miles west of SMy- WTD.-MALE AND FEMALE I'OP. OMA - CLANIO.DA1Y WUORK. WASH BLANKETS. -CARE FoitHiMI xEVES., SUND)AYS. NVILL. 0,MDAILY - P. AT.THRU i'iNEU.BEST 'It-FS. WININETKA 65 0. 68LTN23-Itp CAI4T.. WINN,. 3012 l'.,r t4p-he*btter clasm of domestie heu>,. V>E DO0N'T 1~ e #s i t t4 4 e ? n eI eelo tg a t eu t lti i .- Shorlinie Emnpi. Agcncy 7 46 1 -l -X1 1T. WNLK 68LTN2:1.-îte D)AY WOtK -LAUNDIIY -CLEAN- 1 N~CAEOF' CHILDREN. MANT» 1W EXSP. COLORED Wonian work by the dan. Does exceel- lenit w.ak andi laiany.(eeef 7. _______ ÇLTNq2B-ltp EXPEUENEJ)WOIMAN -WANTS IM»ition as 1ady'" rnaid, simple nmaid, o> w.litlrest. Write A-163, Box 60. Wl- %VHITE LADY- WITH CHILD WISHEà position, as housekeeper. Good cook, excellent referene. Plain' home pre-ý ferred. Briarýgate 3988. 68L23-Itpý PO$1¶IO2 As COUPLE 01-tWOIUC by day, cleanlng and laundry. Man for wlndow washlng and odd jobs. Refé. UniN eèrsitY 4537. 70LTN23-Itp NELP WTD- MANMD PEMALE MAIDS AND COUPLES, Lindlgren Emipi. Agencv, Established 25 years 7!09 Elm. St.ý Winn. 1047- SITUTIO WAE --LE DOM ESTIC GIRLS, QET YOUR JOB AUTIN, 5 ARS OLD, MAR- lite agepcy with big seleetiobn f ried, wishes steady poition-house- Positions to chooft from. man, gardener, sonme driving. 10 years holie mp. ge ias îlace. Refs. Wlnnetka 2639. , hrlfe ni'p.A nc ___________69LTXN23-ltp 746, ELM ST. NVINNETKCA EXPERIENCED, RELIABLE SWED" 71 [iTN23-ltc ish m an wisbes work. Very hgndy COMPETENTP WHITE PROTSTAN around the hotase. Drive car. North wotfan needing a good borne as house- Shore referencem. Cal! Wilmette 3s49. keeper and good eook for 3 adulte. 0w» 69LTN23-Itp room andi bath. No iaundry or heav>r WO AT-Dcloanilng. $45 per mo, llete 1 As porter or beginnor houseman. -liTt-f B3ythe week. McN'ieal. GENIERAL MAIDO JIETWUIEN 20 AND Greenleaf 2129. ý 5, own room. and radio.. Per'manent 69LTN23-2tl> homo. Muet like eilîdren. Good plain FILIPIXO, LICENSEID CHAUFF1tUli cooklng. No hea.vy laundry. $10. Win- HOUSEMAN, COOK mette 2787. . TLTN23--lte 7 years;' experience. And handymanm 50 GIRLS WANTED. cJOOD WAGIDS. Write A-162, Box 60, Wilmette, 111. 9 ...... 'N3-1 t, MANS IIANDS, in perfect niatched skins. orgnlprice. 845, Chicago Opposite 8,920 WH!fTW Iwork.1 2-4tp 5142. ly n gloves dresseu <'ainte anmai Irefs à. me tAND job. Goï Lttè. 2567. EXP. work, dren. iD A-1 roi,