at the piano by Maybell Town-1 send. Mrs. Harry. Hamnpton, prô.-2 grai chairmari of the organîza- tioli, ,iwill preseént Miss Jonies andf MNrs. CEarl J. Cooper, president, %Vil1 preside at the-short busi-. ss îession. prcceding ',the pro- grain, afterwhich ta ~ilb the dnner dance to be given this. Saturdayevening. wiIl be inade. *AgixesJous ianpassistant I)rofessor of phscleucation of Northwestcrn University, and since 1932 bias been i<I- rector of Orchesis, an honorary, group of students of tbe dance at the uni- versity. Led by Miss Jones the group has -given miany Concerts andi modlern dance demonstritions for -the ipast ftve years. *Orchesis was one of the.fèature.s of University 'Vheatér group series at- Nortbwestern. It is au present doiiug Ai Baba" for a Children's theater series in. Evanston. Ail of the dances arc original in group dancing inspired b" the mnd of the inidividual dancers but mnolded into a pattern by the leader who~ is MNfiss Jones.. .1 .. 13. In hoflor of the occasion, the LvJLFN.-c- w House board of the cbapter planned hv etn ensa, Octoutr 20, a 'tea to be given at thie Gamma Phi assembling at 10:30 in the morning and Beta hônse, 640 Emerson street, Ev- remaining for luncheon. Mrs. Theodore anston. At that time the new bouse. Tefft Weldon will be tbe hostess at bier inoterMrs Gldys immnswhohome,' 790 Bluff road, Glencoe. MrM mth , f ail bas cone f rmAmes, Iwa, Phillip Wilkins and Mrs. PhilliP Smitb and he went-tw ne plegesmetof Evanston are co-bostesses. the alumnae ,of, the sorority and >the Mr..H.Mlkasgrp ilb bouse mothers; and councilors of tbe entertained at the borne of Mrs. Doug- othèr sororiuies on the,,campu1.s. las Geller, 2224 Wesley avenue, Evans- ton, for dessert at. 1:30'clock Oct- The: tea,, wbichi was served. from ü ber 25. unitil 5, was qinder the supervision of Mrs. CyruîsH. Wiliams of. Glencoe.' In the- receiving, une,, besides Mrs. Simnimons, vVere to be Mrs. Duane. Peterson of Highland Park, president of the House board, Marjorie'List- ing, prescidenu of the bouse, and Jean \Virter, president of tbe local cbap- ter. NumbÎ1eed aunông t1hu twentyr-two~ pledges are Virginia Boaz of Keuil- wort .h, Sue Thomias of Wilmette, anud Marian Bogue, Monnet Mott, Jose- Iphine MNurphy, and Susan 'Mauirer of IEvanston. Gamma Phi Beta sorority was .fondedat Syracuse university in 1874 and the Nortbwestern cbapter received its charter in 1888. 'Who bas1 assw Ail Radéiffé. Alumnas I. hiu.m Dancing nâ D.porfunen Ev.nhmg FoetoigmUy Partiet (Sy Invitation. Onty) Regilsto.-At W.mem's Clubý Saturdel Mrming, Oct. 16 Tolohone UNlveruiIy 2485 Invîlýed fo Club* Luncheon The Radcliffe Club of Chicago will have its f alhluncheon andmeeting at 1 o'cloclc Saturday, October 16, at tbe 1 Cicjr ClwëËè' M, -196, EastIY ea-~ Inditstry nuer4 of l Il To k 8lfl IUe NorthF is al