wh, wiIl ne -and <lance at the' EVJ~aroýf(fl v<l clubat the fIrsýt spihnvired by thle Noirth Shor.#re auxiliary' of the _Chicagr, 34a- tcrnity centirr. Und.-r th': dWte'tW.ri f Mr. aT. Jtohri vin. 4'ca chairmran, and Vrq. J<a'Ph Ju.,firarcerlairrnan, the memýjeÈ* .ha ve dt:v,t':druany week-ý tr * pertnirng< thtý . dtaiî.6f the Party. many oi theimart taking aivaintage * fthe 11ai<> . s'ntfttéal large -~grcoujb <4 frier4dý. ,me wll-have crezktail, partie% at th,-Ir horne% efcre taking their gutif t o the club while e,-others will meet.,at the dinner hýpur of 7 at the club for r ,cktaifi. man, andm MP.roi, i',r.pt,iputhtir roafv;odtIlI i4it hj.ý iu- nr*tf, ~&-.-.-* J P- ;ie n t sM a:,, ' ~ Hare.:darenad~--.- lze uagil r- )attend. Chuirmon whllehtlrh',~t'~M. rn»i 7,' ' Heidîtnes," (Jmsical iu* détallip-. Wjiý :.*revue tri be if*zeen ctiober 22 andl mno. Fro< Eijd rbthb e ./uoti'r guitd (,,4 .Lukc's W,:brt.4-dd-, Mr. ari à arid 11My, Willi,m tirk'i :har A ra ngeVared Droram .:4. -j. ~1~. M * Mmlbers r)of the Wra~ g 'Ild. the Ju i Phi jteac-Ia§s ir gùild: and thoý Paricheh rAtchurch art al ;irkn~ duhlv hrl tri rnm. Véwar 's rummage saleý. trj, h Sat the churr4h Tburzýd!iv a'r! F:- i L cit ribe r 21'A nd 122 cin t of htiaget ver put (-n: h% «VMan v- and varied arc t I' inzS - h-;. -b*ale already b,,-e n co!!ectd t. : scoinlievery. dav andth a~ r iay, October 15, has beeni desiznat- td a- -a special Bundle da% for re- cteivinZ donations. Husbands o* the wornen have ta4ken to. locking thèi! csetz when they leave ini the morn- :-gletst when theY return at nI*zb th:.find their closets bare. emptied alarge sý elertion of elothini-,a-, th, Ru-rnagýe sale. As welI as clothing there are ma-n-, V - therariciles sometirnes dtsigna-teà as -white elephants" to be fcuîrid at, the sale and. Since "secin' is bleî' teeOctober 21 and 22.-R. S. F. irdn Hwvs, ét uI~r,,',~,the-J rarik rhIakoýoç tif wSizn";tt#7, jMm. arid M] m.*j" Lepbuli il '4wInnràtka ai-d. t irman HhélimaLrug ,t>Za('f t, birx. FEarI J. 4>pr ruda i xillIary, with Mr. 4C'sý,j»r, wiII bt~in itj ')rm'm#nt group, amu wiliir. and If Mn:i*1r. an M. -I 'JJX 1Htrirlt , ý ,okstylist and new co mmenatr.r, wit ~jpi. ~r;th~~,tPassage." tre N' ~ç ellwedby-c'rrent es-erts. M~sPe,s'r L ierprrdfe.ý,ser (À -historry at theý Uni versity ret Chicago, the guc't sroa ker- Shaý h~snfrir her stihjert 'T.arly Chi ~ri cageý." This vvill 4 -jeflfrowed bv a -.is as~ked t10 fl( of 2605 Nleadov F Vi- t iy MNrs. -A. 'U. Tj ene laile. Highland Park Choosos PHizes WILMETTE LIFE 50