A.R. <irk K .i 0-r , r r oGrf:k W;î ri à uiI r rlit7. ~H :hritf,.r f'f au.ghtf-rý fth Am:,rican Rév->uir1 I>dv *)t-te 18, atth \,rin Club. RfEivi R rrio~ rer<rt wll ral! the meifting to r, r i' art 2 w ~hp fe ron.At r trg-lar tbu,.:- the last e icht yerwi!l tàlk r ()n là mrt rrn rà. (s-rmny, talv an'd<re'e rrt i,,rj,?Ae% o traivtl and, ttudy. Çf": Y nurneroui *9.urr4ea;n firiris and i prrficienr.y in Iangcuage%, openï vhl the average travelter, whifr his iucu,:- -Ive tripr% abroaM have give-n him i~ ç>'rrtuniti#e% fr r),bfrairiar 'r çarlîtfri ff cri(n tit.>rii. Tsi,4 thL %trrund timre Mr. Kueb)l- t.1?(> aIJr-i the Fort beariifrri l ati- ':ff!. i.at ytar he taikeu!l at the - - meiraî*r rn#'-ig (.Jthe ctytlig rrrîg ,4ýthe7r iexp(rienc3 r.>îan inter- vit-bwiwth Rîhfcre dlhlit - Cç>v>pf-r ait inteïr vite criairman,. Tr-ý. IIi-,rtrt F.,winig wil ,erve rerc,- 1~h in- T,. rhe comrmittece m..mlrs art M\r%. lifarry W.. llftloit, Mr. ,Walter l, tirket, Mrs. Mcrrntt C. firagdorî, .\r,,. Roger Chalpman, Mrs. Wv. A. <atallâch, M rs. Geworge Cramiiron, Ms larry L. liam;>)tori, Mrs. D>ean fake * Traxck'r. Mrs. L.awrence W. lent; Mfri. Fe-r~ .k. , : mari of [iryga. r.(?ee ai (If F.vari.tori ;y, aevs tla -as 4a m-fan; Vrî. [.'w Srt The program fr.,r Ceatroi4;: ritertin with hii vocl 1~r The hrAte3ýiPe*i f';r teatrrvn :. thee 'r ar rr, Mrie.,w4r ~frrlran4d Mri. Eln'*r Pkhý;. r' .an~~(;,À wil Vur. Qîders of Mariha WilI' 'l h ,- .o rn )i n Fd lrd(Jeýr (,af M ar t cýhaîrîniat withl 7 f) i'x:a a r n:M hv 'he r>ý and. arf .en:gtr.' open at a! nrlr v;alI hod a an r.vicia ~ W Satu. etrda eig.Octyrne 21 por -he lkd ri cal] TeofHSking of 81 Park aveur Win Wtte Grs an c- ing and b:-rge wAl feaâture thec-- rrigz nt'rtkinmnti. M P everl., Tihony C- in charge- of arrangements rll f 'h Fr ~ ri c-r le. Ar- rîarre Vi um oÀ the sttl arldress the meeting, and pro fojr the t'car wîll be discuss( irkn na, given at ~ers cco n f the :rjkiê ailiv nante~r th d- Jj . 1 I . Cr-. oerze -I ia s re4rën:. heM M<gvla±t the >ho-,me , .%r:ý. markW r-~. V,- kyV rioadi, \mnet.ia. Mrc. Cri- Sap anl Mrs. Israel C.e. hýr- rit-her, entertained the chatýtr priM rS tC e sra:ps li .:- . ' e p ea ngure rec ntich re àr:.ga, te.. ,fnet:r.-, hr n rtr:. 2I, h cai ra (À te 1).pAR.oe~ l :a-r 'ýip had iri Engîancrulitteing 'le e eý.- >pen ,tcbline heligry. chea 1). A . >ithR . g(, .g,-,,] ~ z:~ grimag pilrca cmite. c'k e. tvhu:ticai teheai,~ ~d RP.nur. anr naned She Ad hww the repre-entar aie:- ~tâte,, each ý-ear are cho',en i ';rth rient wIllI "r~ iÀ the ). .\. R. 'an-m aw The girls* who went ]ast spring. ýie * 'hOlIght, were excep'ionallv ýne gr~ The%. d tate! aMîjecv'i ihthd gr a f~their w the irl nf iieprevirju., pi]- grimages %-vere iii-ited t,ý J*,)in) to ,wh!ich the girl,; if the futurepiriae 'u beloxig. The naine of the î, ci1e'cv 1! P. A. R.-Pilgrinis of the Atiericai Revohtion-aîîd their airns aand ideals i WILMET1'E LIFE Tgether. Thy Give Sisterhood Pro groin