A wide panel of Alençon lace from the square neckliie to the hem of the skirt trimmed the front of the angel blush satin wedding dress worn by Miss Genevieve Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H-oward R. Smith of 1115 Forest avenue, for ber marriage last-Saturday evenlng' to George Van Norman Whit- ford of Philadephia, son of Mr. and Mrs. George G. Whitford of Denver, Colo. SBotb ber own wedding dress and the velvet gowns of ber five attenïdants were designed by the bride. She chose a Juliet cap of tulle and a tulle veil which fell in a soft cascade above the long train of ber dress, and carried a white bouquet of gardenias, sweet peas .At the coming Hallowe 'cr party to be given Saturdav eve- ning, October 23,. at Shawnee Country club, every parishioner of St.. Francisî Xavier chut-Ch is pledged to -sociability and, friend- liness. This party Is a year.ly- event with the parish, but this season, oiving to other activities in the parîsh, was. transfer.red fromn last Mav to this October. *St. Francis Xavier'paiërsh is giving. the event to finance a new play- ground and the Iandscaping aroun d the school. A parking space bas been provided, for rnany corne frorn a distance to attend cburch. *'Last spring," àt is announced, "the. spirit of the parisb had a double dissýppontment in the division of th'le Passh and the 1ioss of the lev. Bernard J. Brady, who was trans- ferred to the south side., But the spirit is not broken and the new pastor, the Rev. Martin McNamara, bias already wvon the bearts of the parishionersJ' He came last spring witb a record of four years as chap- lain of St. Vincent's Orphian asylumn and twelve years of teaching at Quigley seminary. cerernony a large reception was heIcd at tbe borne of the bride's parents, the saine decorative scherne bèing carried came, à iew montns ago, tromtü te Cathedral staff. To quote the chair- man, "The cornrittee bas bad extra- ordinary success as everyone in theý parish is enthusiastic." WILMETTE, UPE