Ex citement is riding hi'gh iu Kenilwvorth in anticipation of a gala event. Richard Halliburton is comi ng' to town. This world- famous adventuring vagabond, avijator and- author will speak at' 8' oclock the evening of October 20, at the Kenilworth club for the very special pleasure of lins- bands and friends of the Neigh- bors of Kenilworth, It will be the annual "Men's Night," and Mr. Halliburton is the finest treat of which the .programn chairmùan, Mrs. Cecil Meredith., Could think. ýHis tbrilling__iomantie saga, "Seven the titte of his latest smbect for the eve- assas only this, mrs5 i. . A:q Awfl5, Au .uJ irai avenue, will be in charge. The memmbers of the club announce that they will hbave large quantities, of clotbing and household articles from ý which purchasers may' make selections. Hosfess toClub Mrs. Frank. Ml'olsom of Wil- mette was bostess to the meinhers of the Suburban Catholic Mission club, one. of the group of Techny clubs, for, luncheon and 'bridge one day last, week. Latest 'news froni China was discussed, for it is in Honan that the club's "adopted" mis- iionary is working. To De li K.auworth t 'the Rom- i ýe of the high Most recmit Mathèw Francis Photo The .çries of book review~s pre- scitted by t/te Woman's guild of the ll'ilenc-tefr ai4kMclJJo4iîsucli& il be cosduided Priday aworii; of this week zwith Dr. Hoaoce G. Smith giving ~tme > rogram at' 10 o'clock. Dr. Smith, presidepit of Garrett Biblical institrte. is a former .Pastor of' the church. His ret'îewcs are 7z-e(Ik;ol ' :on, 210w ate of Pi as a ver) quer," and "The r lymin addition to 'Seven Le; His syndicated article5 papers also have had - success. Hfe is stili Ur divides bis time (when between New York Beach. Ca.. where he1 The tirst i'meeting 0- f thle North Shore Congregation Js- raci Sisterlîood (Àof Gleincoe ivili be l1eI( on Monday. Octoher1, at. 2:1.5 o'clock. The, occasion i's a particularlv: important one, as. Rabbi and :"Nrs. Chatrles Sht- e(l speakers,. wilI talkio teVI- tally interesting' siîbje' ffltir recent Etiropeam trip. Rabbi Shulian lias' selected u tpc "*Humianity.in Chaos." tellitig of his Jouniey tlroughout Palestine, Rtumani a, .Ausýtria, Polatid and Switzerlaîîd. R-e will give a vivid picture of the titter'disý- erder and confusion 'fouitii, some of t f countries., as a resuit *cof the post- %war maladjustment of the past twenty years. Duritig his travels, Rabbi Shul-' mus in Eiurope, which are of such i to us aIl at this time. i3rilliant and lecturer, lie will mresent iii :ristically vivid manner à pic- Jewish as wel. as general life ýe lands, bringing 'into bis talk d impressiohis of the Most inter- --I% spenit in1 ilu Ôue ofi 'Expe*-iencing Art." In the on inembers of the Wilmnette of Women 'Voters will be of the club.-- st. Shme mingîce1 with the Jolish Jews o. baving migrated from their owin Lnry, are now farrning the barren' il of Palestine in a valiant effort te ild up a new life there for thernselves A i- . -. WILMETTE LIPE