9» N. bMhigan Ave.. Chkemgo I f-rr f the U. S. Armv. and George Pho...Super;.56% Fiedin Eliit, late majrir ithe mii Arrny. Patrornize* Our Adueutiser Tauhrs forecast co)nditirons i the next war andi answer questions ih are heing akdbv every marn and wo- man .%hr) faces. the future with a realîza- t ion j(-f the po"'çýbilitie'ý and probabilities Avaiwýt the c urua belief that fleets r alrplarieý will w1pe ()Ut oecities and their peopl)e. the authrr poi-nt to- the fact that arti-aircrafl defenses hav-e BOOKSJIOP LIDEAJECY; kept pace with the specil and criv CA ans St*..tlnery olf boýmbers: to'ý the- wide-pread- fear of 'à la 'le,;tructio)n by deadly, tanks, they 'reply that'deadly anti-tank guns have- beeh in- S L 0wt" veýnted: the> dispel the nightmaàre ()f nwse-cret gases and death rays wth PtR$ONAi.the iact. that no> new gases, no deati- CHRIITU S CAR IfMWar Cornes.%a ulse by thc- .i.sign.d by I..di.g ertifIsi__ __ *Order Now! iDrwnFrom Lif. - Open $.turday eIvrftjs until Choiiem.e Howàard Coster Photo i (Jiuilapi Wilkins, azithor of i ;i !z,-(, 'ars. le edited a London da iy, ;ezv.spapcr wheiz hec was tt~env-hrea;d is i,,dl klLown ii M historical fields. This is his first ;.,.gt9 Ave. G6e.. 0227 part of his ie ne jourrityto tirou-ah 'the then frondier Country of America1" painting birds ini their native habitats. -His great work, Birds of Arnerica, Ibàas engraved, and printed iti England J'in en edition of fewyer than two hundred 1 sets. The price at that time of ont of these sets was $l,OOO, and today the great Elephant >Fol iodof Audubion'E. Birds» isso5 rare that a fine set woul probably bring in the neighborhood-.of fifteen îhousand dollars. eSingle Volume Now for the first timne, over a' hun- dred years after their original publica-? tion thèse superb illustrations are re- produced ini a sîingle volume, a complete **Aù-diabon" contaIning neot only the -435 illustrations f rom the original- Elephant Folio, but aMs 65 additionai iliustra- tions which Audubon did at a later date whenhe a4 an. oPpprtwlity to >acquire and paint birds of the i<ocky Mountains and ).!ar West. The book has an introduction, and a concise and inost useful descriptive text for each plate, written by William Vogt, editor of Bird Lore, the official publica- tion of the National Association o-f ing it into) cas.h at the SOCIETY EXCHANGE 61 E. Erie St., Chieago Telephone Superio)r 7313 Furs -Formls -Mihlinerv t aicen these peo)pie UT) wth the vulgarity { Appleton-Centiry). He of duchesses whfo are amused and Sor vers e, is the whole story for a peasantry. 1 shaîl neyer again from the days of the Nor subject tc) the 'vulgar to)uch t.f- the le- preserit time. cent these gooti people of laughtcr and in this epic potin the n )kintiness. o-rf honiest lusts and direct of America march acros ctof co)urtesy ý,beyondI~1tn's thrown into sharp relief À - - tcrporary background. L(, eman trite ccuxq Amt )table figures an s the pages IBrui x novel about the, itation of that niys- just publishied ini mn House, lhas bad tory abroad. Eric. thor, is a V'iennese, o.- publisher in Aus- E jr assai