Mr. Moore for the p)aý,t ear. baz. b;ered as a natioal orgaiii-er and dî- r<ctor 'for the Fnirm~enry P"ace can- paigni in its Phitadeiphia offices.' Pre- viotus to thiatUie'lie wbstlv dIrer-t"r of the Aduit Iiducation Council of Chi- cago1 and of the Chicagu> Fortum for twclve years., uarticipàtiin in th'e ai-' fairs 'of nhanv ci vic orgainzatjons here. Ni r. NMf)(.rè lias long hecen a close stu- dviii ofinternational affairs and lias a wideCSIreadl exieriencv as a lecturer ini ihis ~eld. * I)isctissili,g -A Movetineîît for World. Christ ianity,". lred -Atkins Moore stat- cd "Thç niovcnent is thiree years old, inifiateil.and supported by forcnîost lih- tral christiaîî leaders in tlîis country, andl abruad tL I grev out o-)f the study itCristiaji mi ssions hy the Layne Fureigii.Missions inq4ujry ,oi1931-32 headed by Professor William E. Hock- Ing of Harvard and V ice-president Frederic Woodwardl of the University of Chicago. vision of Anieran LChristians a worid problenîs, ,nationalistiç 'andû social forces. and the service that ca- retidert-<l. by hiigli-grade, expertiy t ed eclucators, social workers, rural ciologists, doctors. and nurses. broau-nundecl reiigious workers, ail tivated by tme genune (Chràstàan spi Princeton Deani Next *service of Octob)er 1/. Dr subject is 'Why Not Bce Uinord W. Barnes will pre M.usic will borm a large pa prograni. 'lhle winners ofthte land Muttsic Festival will give concert at the 7 oclock seni the picturesque Kraft robet and Ch'arles G. Bailey. col tii<i$o. the village. ho Watisau with ycars ago., hefore lie inôved to faniily abxott twenity "Home"u ST.