ADVERTISER PAGE A & P Fod'Stores........21 Ace Motors Inc. .......Cover IV Antunes, The ................62 Bavaria .....................62 Bernie Studio.............39 Blue Parrot, The .............51 Book Nook, The ............34 Boulevard Drug Store.......20 Boyajian & Co. ..........56 Branch's Slumher Shop ...16, 61 Brigg, J. Winstanley .........43 Cot.pman .............59 Chicago Conservatory of Music.49 Christian Science Churehk..... 9 Coe, Almer & Co..............22 Community Theatre .........62 Consumer. Co........Cover IV Crane Co. ...................61 is Furniture Co........56 Erickson, Ben ................62 Evans, C. B. ................14 Evanston Academy of Fine Art.62 Evanston Fireproof Warehouse...........9, 16, 72 ach .......d. ..,......... 8 gs Hotel .... 31 ADVERTISER PAGE Manger Hotels .............30 Mannerud, Ethel M.........53 Mars Food Shop .......... 6 Marshall Field & Co. ......35 McGuire & Orr ...........59 McKenzie & McCallum.....59 Mellody Farms Dairy.......31 Milhurn's ................51 Mission Hills Golf Club.....39 Murine Co.q..........34,62 Nepstad Auto.......Cover IV Normandy House.........43 North Shore Rrefrigeration Co..5 North Side Cleaners .........29 Oil Burning Engineers......56 Okean, M. 1, ...............30 Ott, Peterpaul...............34 Pagliarulo, D. .............9, 29 Palace Foods ................13 Peacock Ice Cream......... 7 Rival Dog. Food...........20 St. Clair, Ceorge .............28 .Schloesser's ..................15 Shawnee Service Garage.......14 Smyth, John M. Co. .........33 Snider-Cazel Drug Co. ..8, 10, 14 Stadiui Theatre ..,........63 Standard Oil Co. .............23 Brand Photo Jack Banks, ,coutmaster of Troup 23 of Glencoe for the past year has been announced by the selection committee of the North Shore Area council as the successor of George Bersch now Scout Ex- is a Dartmouth college tern university man with work and three years in the business world, nd a scoutmaster. wa n . -1a-fO.~ in Miss Alice Harrison, 200 Ninth street, I ent the week-end in South In t The summer has beemi favorableifr these operations. it is explained. a-"I many other détails iin connection wvith the project have also been fnished. Only four companies of men have been stationed in the Skokie CCC camp the past few months but this force is to be augmented by the addition of two more companies in November. which will mean a speeding up of the work. Finish Next Year With the force maintained at its ni esent status, and with other favorable conditions. it is thought the entire Project, with the exception perhaps, of a few minor finishing touches on bridie trails. planting, etc.. wdl be completed by the end of 1938. The project waq started in 1933. E. J. Lundin is prin- cipal project superintendent. F6ur 6f'fié seven la oons, starting with No. 1, at Willow road, are com- plete. The top soil has been scraped out of the areas comprising lagoons 5 and 6. and Lagoon No. 7 at the north end. just south of Dundee road, is 33 e'en- 'id i., con- Id a,; I planting has been finished fron ow road to a point north of Tower :e 150 bridge on Tower road, at vest side of the proiect. is in. as .... .... ..... 7 OUR ADVERTISERS