Mms Mamer oand Jero~me "s. -weIU s myseif Invite you te visIf uset our new, doe.whlch yo. wiIU ta b. weUI st.cIwd wlffla ilgiest grade mercia. dise et surprsIumgly I.w, MJLK. Gd A ......... q.1 OC ]inA Goffee. .,Pt. 22C qt- 35c Whippr* 27c qt- 50e Pastenrixed and bb.gded nader the mflst sg$itar~y conditions ,arlicipate as a bciqlfciary of iI'nctfc (i, oin- ,s a resa4mil of the itizviirs of Ihie institutIOnl in coo,'ration with scitool inurscs in lIon'el other services ta those -z(ho arc uuabhb osecurte arc the persans shozoii bave: rbercilosis iastititte; Dr. PaulMiss. dentist. oore R. N.. V et,'Trier liqi, cJy>I;Iiw.'zC. ioseph's a,,d Si. Francis siips; JIrs. .1. 1). ka, R. N. Howa~'rd st,,Ial. Bliss R. ,Kinnea.r, 1Homem.ide. Duighnuts and -SaIads 'a -net t1'e'r accu';toînt(u Land" WilI be thec subject of Rabbi Tuber- Charles E. Shulrnan's sermon at t1itv le Chicago Tu 1r (~eterperorm Iservices of the North Shore Congre- on ini discovering. gation Israel Sunday, October 10, at s. and dirccting 1l. oclock. for the recovery of This is the second Ini a sri of 'ulnic is topen tg> four sermonis base-d on Rabbi Shti- like. a's -eVaried mnsexperieiices .and ob)servations vieri ewlne- i letraveling i Erope anidth to the Heaith :- I